My daughters teacher sent me this email


King of all I see
Premium Member
Feb 28, 2003
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I just wanted to send you an e mail and let you know what a sweet and caring daughter you have. Yesterday Jason Schechterle came and spoke with the kids about his accident and how it has changed his life. When he was finished Brittany wanted to talk to him. She told him that she was happy he survived and that he was going to be ok. A few other students said some things and then Brittany asked if she could give him a hug. It was the sweetest thing I have ever seen. It bought tears to my eyes. I just wanted to let you know. After the presentation the students wrote a letter to Jason and thanked him for coming. I think it was a good experience for both the students and the teachers.

This is a before and after pic of Jason Schechterle

:werd: i agree Heather!!!!!

ur daughter is a VERY kind young lady with a good heart!!!!
Wow, your daughter is brave enough to give Jason a warm hug. I am sure that Jason is very inspired by someone like her. :ily:
Originally posted by bbnt
I just wanted to send you an e mail and let you know what a sweet and caring daughter you have. Yesterday Jason Schechterle came and spoke with the kids about his accident and how it has changed his life. When he was finished Brittany wanted to talk to him. She told him that she was happy he survived and that he was going to be ok. A few other students said some things and then Brittany asked if she could give him a hug. It was the sweetest thing I have ever seen. It bought tears to my eyes. I just wanted to let you know. After the presentation the students wrote a letter to Jason and thanked him for coming. I think it was a good experience for both the students and the teachers.

This is a before and after pic of Jason Schechterle


Yes I love you my babe
Originally posted by Steel
um, who is that burnt guy in the picture? oh wait that's the same guy from behind right?

Damn.. you are very rude. gosh:ugh:
What kinda accident did he get into?

anyway, it was nice of the girl to give him a hug, i guess...
Oh Dear bbnt...

I was outbust crying to read your teacher's letter and the article. My arms were all goose pumps.

Thanks for sharing this article and teacher's beautiful letter with us. Your daughter is very lovely girl and care about other people. God bless her !

Jason's wife is really attractive lady. She loves his husband no matter what. God will gift her as bless !

Whip my tearing... Thanks God, no one else is here at my office. Take deeply breath !!

Wow, Jason is really brave to give a representative in the class to share his experience with the children.

Your daughter Brittany is pretty special, bbnt! :D What a kid, being a great example for others. Bet you are proud of her!
:ily: *HUGS* Brittany!! You'll definitely grow up to be a magnificient young woman and make your Daddy proud!! Do pass this message along, please, bbnt! It's always the innocence of young children's eyes that is so accepting of everyone and it sure brings a tear to my eyes. If those children can do it, therefore we adults can do it and not pass judgement. Keep bringing those stories bbnt.. I always knew there was a sweet gentleman inside the silly remarks!! :twisted:
bbnt!!!!!... WOW great daughter you have !!!
the worth we have kids with love and sharing to warm others.. :)

I went and read the story on Jason and his family.

I am impressed on what He have done since He had an accident it is sad that the driver of other car who has seizure It is not a good idea to drive when you have ongoing seizure.. But I am glad that Jason is alive and is doing great.. as for your daughter brittany who has a very warmth heart to give him a hugs. I am very proud !

Wendy ;)
wow aww that is so sweet , SHe make him feel good about himseft show that she really cares
*smiling so big* That was beautiful! What a wonderful daughter you have BBNT and she definitely has a very big heart! God love her. I'd love to have a daughter like her!

I remember watching that story about the police officer who got severely burned few weeks ago I think it was on either Discovery Channel or The Learning Channel (TLC). It was a fascinating story, but it was pretty hoffific. The plastic surgeons were trying to do everything to make him look a little normal and comfortable. His wife was an amazing woman and they just had another baby. :)

Thanks BBNT for sharing us your story. What a lovely daughter... :)
I saw that guy on TV. Since I work for a Police Dept, I was interested in the story regarding the police cars. What a tragic thing for that to happen.

Seems like you got a special kid there BBNuTs.