My dad


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2009
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:aw:well, as many of you may recall, last week I lost one of my dear dogs...
today this morning my dad fell in the kitchen, just got back from the hospital.
they think it may be low blood pressure reaction from a new med. but they have him overnight for testing.
He seems to be doing better than when he came in and he was eating everything very heartily so I have hopes that it's a med.reaction and not something more serious-
Sometimes, "When it rains, it pours". Hope he gets to doing real well and it's a treatable issue. :grouphug:
I'm sorry to hear about your father. I hope he will be ok. He is quite elderly, I believe?
Sorry to hear about your dad. I hope it is just a reaction to his medication and nothing more serious. :hug:
Sorry to hear about your dad. I hope it is just a reaction to his medication and nothing more serious. :hug:

Yes, same here. I hope your dad can return home quickly too.

Dogmom, just an fyi, your pm box is full. No doubt lots of ADers wishing your father well. :)
Sorry to hear about your dad, Dogmom. I hope nothing serious. :hug:
Wirelessly posted (droid)

That must have been frightening. Hope he's better soon!
My mom had a torn rotator cuff in her right shoulder two days ago. She tripped over when she went out to the backdoor, because I was told that when she puts her shoes on and didn't tie the shoelaces. Ouch.
Ouch, ouch, ouch!!! What a price to pay for not taking a minute to tie her shoelaces.
I am sorry to hear about your dad falling like that. I am glad he did not break any bones. I had clients that had have their blood pressure taken when they where sitting down, then standing up, to made sure their meds was working right.
:aw: everyone, :ty: for more well-wishes!
this is what happened with my dad
My mom called me on Tues. morn just after and said she thought he’d just had a stroke and he had fallen in the kitchen hallway at the top of the stairs; she kinda caught him and so he didn’t fall hard and he VERY luckily he didn’t fall down the stairs. She said all of a sudden he started sweating profusely and started shaking and then he just went down. She thinks he was out for about a minute. So I called my husband Mike and he left work and I raced over there, calling 911 on the way and the ambulance people came within about 5 minutes of me getting there. When I got there he was up and walking around and getting dressed cuz my mom wanted to drive him to the hospital. He didn’t really want to go to the hospital but had agreed to go, especially after the medics suggested it might just be good to check this out, even though his vitals were very good and he was talking, etc. So Mike came and moved my dad’s car which was in the driveway and blocking my mom’s car in the garage and we all drove over to the hospital and they ran all the tests – CT scan, chest films etc, just doing a process of elimination – “not this, not that“ etc. So it came down to this new prostrate med he’d just taken last night for the first time, one of which side effects is lowered blood pressure. I knew that a sudden drop in pressure can cause someone to faint and so we were all kinda thinking that including the doc. As all my dad’s tests came back pretty good especially for his age and the thing that he kept presenting with even in the E.R. was lowered blood pressure. So they wanted to just observe overnight. His blood pressure which they kept taking every couple of hours, was much better in the morning. They had to take three readings - laying down, standing, sitting.

We didn’t get home from hospital on Wed. til late afternoon and then we got a call saying we have a suddenly scheduled house showing between 5:30 and 6:30 and so Mike left work early again and we both raced back from where we were <I was out and about doing errands some miles away> and tried to get ready for the showing in about one hours time – BUT they nevr showed. Allegedly the info. We had from the initial phone call was the couple was in town from Michigan for one night due to job relocation issue and so they just had the one night to see, or I wouldn’t have agreed. But they never came anyway - second time this has happened - I was super-pissed:mad:
so today he is fine and actually before we left hospital he ordered lunch cuz it was gonna be a while til they finally got all the papers ready for him to go. he ordered a bacon cheeseburger with all the toppings and some fries and cheesecake and also ate some my mom's fries and some of her other stuff that I had picked up for her in the hospital cafe:lol: He VERY carefully transported the cheesecake home! He LOVES dessert. He's a tall, very thin guy with what has been a fast metabolism so having all that stuff sure isn't an issue and we were both happy to see him enjoy his food:)
Glad to hear he is doing better! Sorry for not posting sooner -- I didn't see this thread until now.
:ty: AC!
It's been very difficult weeks with my dog who died and my dad's medical thing and these house showings - we have another one supposedly for tomorrow but I don't feel like doing a damn thing for it - am sure not shlepping the girls out and sitting in the van if people are not gonna bother show, if anyone comes they'll just have to deal with us, I'm staying in the house with the dogs crated and i'll sit next to them and try and reinforce "quiet" or at least less barking, but these are Rotties and they WILL alert and beware anyone who attempts to look in and see whos in those crates!