My baby Allen


New Member
Apr 24, 2003
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He is seeing specialist tomorrow (friday).. (finally)...
to go thru tests (again).. all morning till about early noon...
Well, He was born with Urthera weakness.. the urine suppose to sent thru bladder/penis.. but some urine bounce out inside where urthera and sent to kidenys.. caused infections.. since almost a year he has been on many different antibotics till last monday, his body gave up and his fever shot up to 104.. and the kidenys are badly infected and bladder too.. they had to put him strong antibotic which makes him weaker, very drowsy and his system work hard.. saw dr today, they moved him to specialist.. might do some immediate process.. I know I dont sound like I am worried, or panic.. I just try to put that aside till what the results.. All I have to do is have faith.
prayers or thoughts will be greatly appreciated...
{{{{{{MsGiglz and the kids}}}}}} my prayers for u and Allen would be done -- have faith and remmy all those that loves all of u

_\,,/ MsGiglz and ur kids!
aww i will prayers for your family and Allen
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FlyFree and Darlin Tweety..
aww thanks.........
( am going off to bed to get some sleep) niters all
Dang!, its 5am...
Seems like its been restless night for me..
Dont you hate the imaginations with the what "IFs"..
Like I said in my post, I am trying to think positives.. its so hard.. Geez!
I just sitting and read posts and drinking coffee... while whole kids are in bed.. wow its so quiet... I hate it.. whatever the quietness... something make noises or thud noises.. *jumps*.. eek
hehe well thanks for all of you and your thoughts/supports.. Have a great day..
oh dear, i will pray for that and please let me know how is goes ?
I hope everything will turn out good, I'll send my prayers to your son and family. Please let us know what's going on! Thanks :)
:eek: oh man, I will full support with your Allen, I hope he is ok after in a while. My prayer is bring for your family and your Allen

I am back...

:jaw: unbelivable!!!

After all those tests he went thru... we waited for results and one more test that takes 1 hour which he drank cleanse icky stuff.. and we waited, we went out for walk. Nurse waved by the lobby door, obviously that they got results done. we all sat down, the dr just sit there and paused, shuffled through Allen's record pages and results. He re-read more than few times.. He looked at me.. How this happen? I was lost and dumbfounded. He said, the tests shown that his batericas are gone, the infections are gone. he dont have any serious. So just keep on that antibotic for other 2 more weeks and come back, take few tests. I gave him looks. Tests? he said ah this time will be much simple. just take his urine. if urnie shows negative will do further more tests.. I was like sitting there, was'nt sure that dr is meant it.. that Allen is fine. I said whoa, people out there must have pray hard!!.. Dr said.. yeah, pack up and go home.. get rest.. You look hell! haha!

Thank you guys... Am really appreciated..