Mt. Rainier puts on a show!

Wow that is really neat pictures. It does look like UFO is hovering around Mt Rainier. :lol: Thanks for sharing this with us. :)
You're welcome everyone. It is a sight to see if you saw it in real life. :)
Wow, I never seen anything like that! Would have been awesome to see it in person.
Whoa, That is so surreal but yet, it's neat and something different to see! :)
Wow! Those pics are awesome! I would love to see it in person. Thanks for sharing, sequoias. :)
That's fantastic, I'd love to see that in person! thanks for posting the link. I've never heard of cloud formations like that.
Seq, those are really neat pics. I am tripping out on the lenticular clouds, they do look like Close Encounter of third Kind lol