MSP cochlear Implant


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Oct 4, 2010
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Hi, My name is Leeanne. This is my first time on I am very interested in learning ASL, and I want to meet all kinds of deaf people and talk to them.
I had meningitis when I was 3 and that is how I became deaf. I recieved the MSP Cochlear implant when I was 9 in the right ear, I am 27 now. I still have the same body processor and I have no idea on how to upgrade and select a new one. I went to the Cochlear website and saw the Nucleus 5, :aw: (The Cochlear I still have has a wire, Nucleus 5 wireless and waterproof) it looks cool, is it possible to get that one? I am currently in gradute school for my MBA. It would be nice to have a new cochlear and possibly get implanted in the left ear but I have no idea how to go about that.
Can anyone give me some suggestion?
Leeanne welcome to Getting a newer model in your left and keeping the other model in your right ear should be discussed at place where they are implanted. I assume where you live there are" hospitals" which this can discussed. Having 2 Implants is possible-contingent on the fact-who is paying for the second? What you described is an older model. The one I have is completely at ear level. Much success in your new "journey"

Implanted-Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
no, The only internal implant that can upgrade to Nucleus 5 is Freedom implants. Any implants older than that (I think 2005) can only upgrade to Freedom.

The first thing is get an appointment for second ear implant. go website and search up the nearest CI clinic (click on the "Find a clinic") so you can make an appointment. They will guide you from there. You probably need to do that anyway if you want an upgrade. <---upgrade <----- find a clinic
The upgrade for all other internals other than freedom should be available within a year or so as the nucleus 5 is, so I've heard, being released in europe already for ppl who have earlier cochlear versions other than freedom. Either way you have to see someone about upgrading and getting a new CI for the other ear so definitely check the cochlear website for a cochlear clinic in your area
Hey, thank you guys. I have a better understanding now. I am going to find a hearing clinic near me that works with cochlear implantation and discuss the options of upgrading to the Freedom. Thanks again!!!

I think it would be worth the wait to upgrade to the N5. The N5 is much sturdier than the Freedom and smaller. Instead of a controller the N5 has a remote which costs around $300 to replace rather than $1500 which is what I was told the Freedom controller costs. I have had the Freedom and upgraded to the N5. I also went bilateral this year and now have bilateral N5s.

If you are in the U.S. check with your insurance to see what they will cover.
yes, wait. My Freedom with rechargable battery is too thick for me... even my old 3G felt more comfortable than my freedom.
Hi Set 2, how long did you have the Freedom before you upgraded to the Nucleus 5? I do not have insurance but I have my student loan refund to help pay for the Freedom. I want to look into the option of reimplantation for the N5 but I want to talk to the audiologist and see what she says.
DeafGAL, how long have you had the Freedom? How much did it cost?

I had the Freedom for over two years before I upgraded to the N5. I was implanted with the freedom so I was able to upgrade a few months after the N5 came out. Definitely, talk to an audi at a CI Clinic. They can advise you.
... Instead of a controller the N5 has a remote which costs around $300 to replace rather than $1500 which is what I was told the Freedom controller costs. ...

A very good point! This is something I have been thinking about for a while.

That and the fact that the transmitter coil is two separate pieces has me seriously considering going to the N5 from the Freedom.

My (now) backup controller button is basically squashed flat and makes extremely difficult to turn it on/off. Paying for a new controller is no picnic. Those transmitter coil wires also eventually give out after about 1 1/2 or 2 years which at $200 a pop is no cheap affair either.
Need help!! Research paper on Cochlear Implants...

Hi!! My name is Angie and I am new to - I am hearing, but I'm currently in an ITP - I am writing a research paper on cochlear implants and how people really feel about them. A deaf friend told me about this site. I have a few really quick questions if anybody has time to answer them. Any help would be most appreciated! Hope you have a great rest of the day!!:wave:
I love my Cochlear implant. I wear it everyday. I had a spiritual war inside of me, I never wore it when I first got it when I was 9 years old. In college I did wear it everyday and it helped me with lipreading. I am in grad school now and I am a freelance photographer. My family did not have insurance and could not afford to upgrade the MSP.
You can ask me anything you want.
I am late deafend (sp) I enjoy my Implant, but I do notice that I go through spells where I just love being Deaf also. Its totally a sweet deal being able to shut off all sound and have sound when I choose. " Could not do that when I was a hearie". All in all its a pretty cool device Outdid my expectations.
Daeffy, I had a conversation with the audiologist about reimplanting. Do you rememer the surgery? How long did it take you to recover?