msn sars edition

Some people may find this offensive. I don't, just slightly funny. Seen it before.
i agree it is a bit offensive, may sound funny but think about the death rate that has occurred for the poeple who suffered
Originally posted by javapride
i agree it is a bit offensive, may sound funny but think about the death rate that has occurred for the poeple who suffered
I do believe in free speach. I don't think it is offensive enough to delete.
Speaking of SARS, on one news show this morning, I forgot which one, they were showing models on the catwalk wearing designer mouth masks, matching their dresses and clothes. I really found that interesting!
SARS hit berekely UC other day I was like :eek: damn.. I hope SARS go away b4 jan of 2004 :roll: cuz that's when my bro will go there sheesh..
i saw that few week ago.. isn't real that pic just create with adobe add,, :ugh:
Originally posted by javapride
i agree it is a bit offensive, may sound funny but think about the death rate that has occurred for the poeple who suffered

Secondly that!!! not forgot our country's neighbor Canada have difficult deal with SARS. Really amazing about NBA stars who willing for involve for raising $$$ for fighting against SARS. NOt surpirse Yao there.
Hope SARS situtation deal in no time. Because I plan to visit Asia included Hong Kong in the future.