MSN Messenger



I was browsing around and found a nifty site for messing around with the MSN Messenger. They got this page where you can click random links and it spits out a funny screenname you can use. I ended up with "(S) hypnotic cow slayer". Look around in ..
You should also download MSN Plus! It's a useful crack for MSN, and it has so many cool features such as auto-away messages, and ... well can't remember.... I'm using a mac atm. It only works on PCs.
I've got MSN as well, just started using it, too, to keep in touch with some of you ADers...hey, I like it. Makes things slightly more personal when ya can see 'em right in front of you...

...and ya also know when they're really laughing at your jokes and when they're fulla shit! ;)
Some MSN add-ons have spyware or adware, so be careful when you add something, run the spybot scanner and erase whatever you find!
I've been using Windows/MSN Messenger since they first released to the public years ago. site is an OK site though I prefer for MSN and other messenger clients.

Ziusudra- you must be talking about Messenger Plus! - before any of you consider trying Messenger Plus, select 'I refuse, do not install the sponsor program' otherwise if not selected, you get annoying spyware stuff installed on your desktop!

Anyway, this probably is off-topic... Yahoo! Messenger 6.0 (BETA) is very impressive and looks very promising. Looks somewhat like of MSN Messenger! You can check it out the all new Yahoo! Messenger.
I use MSN faithfully and am always careful of who I add onto my list and same goes for yahoo. The beta 6 version looks cool. :P
I have 6.0 MSN Messenger , I love to watch Webcamering of my Friends... Sometimes I end up Laughing while I am airing mine I guess Because I am Shy. :giggle:

I have the Same Name Since I set up MSN Messenger and it seems it would not change into another name.. Don't ask why I just do not know myself. :confused:

I love your name Deaf258.. I think it's a Cute name At First I didn't even knew it was you until I saw ur emailing address on Top. :ily:

I have a few Special Friends on my List its more Privacy I like the add on button and accept button don't have to worry about anyone sneeking up on me. :thumb: