moving out on my own?


Active Member
May 26, 2006
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I am moving out in october/november out of my moms house and starting life on my own..but I may or may not have a roomate...haven't decided yet. What are some tips and things I may need to live on my own. Not sure if this helps but I'll be renting as I can't afford to own my own condo or home..yet:) lol
no idea. i live on my own and it's pretty simple lol
I was more referring to living on your own deaf wise...If anyone could also refrain from smart ass comments that would be great thanks
I was more referring to living on your own deaf wise...If anyone could also refrain from smart ass comments that would be great thanks

common devices - vibrating alarm clock. doorbell flasher.

I give extra keys to my parents in case of emergency while I'm sleeping. I pick this apt cuz of solitary and security. i guess that's about it.
Have you thought about a door bell light?...Fire extinguisher light?...Checking the door locks on all the doors, making sure they are secure?.....Windows locked also...(just on the safe side)...making sure your apt. area is well-lighted, expecially at night....crime status in the neighborhood where you plan to live?....perhaps doing a drive-thru the area where you plan to and night for several days/nights (before signing any lease)...if any loitering outside...I would be wary of that....and get to know your neighbors whenever an apt. is shown to you.....

Ask if they accept pets (if you have any)....there are many things to ponder and doing your homework would save a lot of stress and disappointment if you became unhappy with the apartment.

Good Luck and be safe...
When you look at accomodation devices (alarm clock, doorbell), consider the costs and how you can make alternatives.

For example, I bought a transmitter and a couple of receivers for the phone and doorbell. These were expensive, and I wasn't going to buy a receiver for each lamp. I also figured that a lamp has limited lighting, so I might miss some flashing. So, I bought those outdoor Christmas lights in a tube and strung them around the room on the ceiling. Much more effective and very cheap, like $8 each string (I only needed two each living room and bedroom).
My next apartment will have in-unit laundry and security entrances.

Maybe not absolutely necessary, but I've been in enough apartments now to know what I want for sure.

It's really a simple thing though, living on one's own. Bed shaker, door light, maybe giving someone you trust a key to your place. (Careful though, sometimes they'll want to drop in anytime, so make your rules clear.)

I'd suggest figuring out where you'll go to college or go to work. Maybe trying to find a place near work/school, and grocery store, shopping, bus lines, and other services you'll use. As well as located in a safe neighborhood.

Great locations like this will likely cost more, but if it cuts down on your driving, it might save money in gas/car ownership, etc.

Lots of ways to go about it. Don't worry about picking the perfect place to start with, because chances are you'll move several more times as you figure out what you like and don't like about apartments.
I remembered your post from a few years ago.

Did you ever have preference in your neighbors?

I felt here in the US the closer you live to the parks, the less you find the college party kids if that's what you want to avoid. Those are the same kinds of people that attract burglars and the bad people. I guess it's kind of like free security but I have no idea how it's like in Canada.
I'm sure you know what to look for in an apartment so I won't add anything to that.

As for accomodations, I've a dog that let's me know every time people are at door. Personally, I don't believe in flashing system. For me, I hardly use my landline. You don't really need a landline if you don't want one. I rely on my cell phone for all of my interactions with outside world.
honestly??!, looking back from my apt renting days, I find that each apt is different from each one as for personal needs. I think whatever you using now for waking up should work no matter where you go. door flashing is another story. some apt have those darn audible flashers and some landlords are A$$holes for permitting to add my own doorbell flashers, even if you mention ADA blah blah blah.... If you rent a house - its much simpler. using a velcro stick is simple for doorbell flasher. Otherwise I wouldnt think of anything else you really have to have or change as for deafness. Just find the one that fits you and your budget and move. Once you get settled in, thats when you might feel the need to tweak things to fit your new lifestyle....
All the basics like relay services and ways to contact emergency services, fire, police, hospital etc.

Beyond deaf, buy good quality stuff (if you can) that will last and you will save money, good kitchen knives, good grill (weber), good tools, good bath towels, etc. Part of the mistake is cheaping out too much and buying again within a short amount of time. Having said that, and knowing this is contradictory, try not to go into too much debt. For clothes and home-ware, check out discount stores like Marshalls & HomeGoods.

Basically, look for quality stuff cheap not cheap stuff to save money. If you can get ahead of the debt game, the credit card company will be paying you instead of you paying them.
Wow thanks guys:) I won't have a landline as I don't need one and I do have a dog. But I worry more about fire alarms and such. Do most apartments have deadbolts? I would have to look into that as well as extra precations for like a balcony and windows. Just worry that I wouldn't hear someone come in the house especially if I was sleeping. Also my gf lives at home and no way would she move out especially cuz its easier for her to be at home with them running the stores.
Good thing someone mentioned not going to cheap on housewares glad I have grandparents who love me and Im sure they'd give me furniture and buy me couches! lol As for kitchen stuff I guess Ikea would be good enough? The other thing I'm worried about is when ppl ring to be let in..I'm sure I wouldn't hear have to find some sort of alternative like make sure ya text me when you're here ya know..I'm so excited to live on my own but nervous as I've never have before but excited to start being more independent!
I am moving out in october/november out of my moms house and starting life on my own..but I may or may not have a roomate...haven't decided yet. What are some tips and things I may need to live on my own. Not sure if this helps but I'll be renting as I can't afford to own my own condo or home..yet:) lol

I would have the landlord put new locks in right away! I moved into a apartment on my own with my cat . I was up on a ladder painting over the door and the door opened up! I was freaked out , it was the last tenant and he still had a key to the apartment! The guy almost knocked me off the ladder. If the landlord will not put in new locks have someone do it for you. You should let the landlord know you'll need smoke alarms that have flashing lights . I live in a condo on the first floor and the people that live over my unit are very loud at time , it you don't like having people banging around over your head do not get apartment on the first floor.
The other thing I'm worried about is when ppl ring to be let in..I'm sure I wouldn't hear have to find some sort of alternative like make sure ya text me when you're here ya know..I'm so excited to live on my own but nervous as I've never have before but excited to start being more independent!

it's non-issue for me. my friends know better to txt me beforehand. but you can always get a flasher for doorbell.
I'll tell you about my experience, for one thing, know the area and type of people that reside around your rental. Some areas can be a magnet for abusers of all sorts. Know your limitations your hearing situation may have to deal with, get the necessary aids to alert you (remember KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid! :lol: ) It will also help if you know someone nearby, companionship or emergency assistance, you nevere know. If seeking a roomate, keep them at your social level, anything crazier and you'll end up in a bind with lanlord. And above all else have fun! :)
The other thing I'm worried about is when ppl ring to be let in..I'm sure I wouldn't hear have to find some sort of alternative like make sure ya text me when you're here ya know..I'm so excited to live on my own but nervous as I've never have before but excited to start being more independent!

If you mean to be "buzzed in" sometimes the box can be programmed to call you cell phone...Then when you see the number from the box calling you can answer and buzz them in.....usually by pressing 7
Remember to make your own rule. You own this place, you make whatever you like to.