Movies you like to see continuing as sequals

The Joker

New Member
Aug 22, 2014
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Major League 4= The New Batch
Jaws 6
The Batman movie= The Jokers Wild
Dirty Harry 6 = The Last Detail ..This time Harry Calahan dies
Forrest Gump 2. Truman Show 2. Tommy Boy 2. :D
I'd like a better sequel for Sin City than the one that followed it.

In Truman 2 he tries to live in the outside world. Realizes he can't function normally. Decides to return to the studio/show where he has his own child. Little Truman. It's genius! Trust me. :D
In Truman 2 he tries to live in the outside world. Realizes he can't function normally. Decides to return to the studio/show where he has his own child. Little Truman. It's genius! Trust me. :D

:/ lol
Maybe somewhere they were doing one...just not sure what else they could do with it without messing it up.....