I have written long posts on here about my daughter--right now I am trying to find the best educational resources for her during her high school years. I just wanted to say something about this board and the people on this board: THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE!! As a member of the parents section of AG Bell for years, I NEVER had this kind of contact with other parents of children with hearing loss and adults with hearing loss. Honestly, I have been VERY disappointed with the lack of community/ difficulty of connecting socially with others in the "oral deaf community." I have been to the biannual conventions--they can be good, but once every 2 years is just not enough of a connection. I have tried to participate in things like listservs and message board through AG Bell, but SLOW AS CHRISTMAS doesn't even begin to describe it. When I DO get something through email, it is always about some kind of conference--basically, educating the public about early intervention, cochlear implants, etc. There is just not much going on SOCIALLY through AG Bell. When I try to check out each state chapter--and not all states have one--MOST of them are WAAYY out of date--many have info from 2003. So I am having a heck of a time trying to connect with other parents through AG Bell--and my daughter is not having success connecting with teens through them either. They do have their positive traits, but connecting people socially is not one of them. THIS board is very different--it seems that MANY people post here--people with all kinds of perspectives and advice. I TRULY appreciate the feedback--it is VERY helpful!! I just wanted to say THANK YOU for being here and for keeping this board active! It surely provides a lot of help and connection for MANY people!