Mother Asks Others To Reconsider Taking Drugs After The Death Of Her Son


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Apr 22, 2007
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In Ireland, drugs like ecstasy, ketamine, methamphetamine and benzodiazepine were temporarily legal due to a legislative loophole. Though these drugs were again outlawed on March 11, one mother is cautioning others to avoid substances like synthetic cannabis, which may be legal, but still dangerous.

Karen Audino lost her son Jimmy Guichard at the age of 20. He died after ingesting a 3 euro ($3) bag of synthetic cannabis in 2013. The drug was legal at the time.

Audino remembered her son as an athlete who loved life. Guichard was staying with his father in Kent, England, when he tried synthetic cannabis.

“Then one day, he was buying a T-shirt and these legal highs were at a shop as an impulse buy at a till (cash register),” she told Irish Mirror. “He bought them and even showed his dad who was waiting outside. It wasn’t like he was trying to hide them.”

The synthetic drug acted quickly. “And then he took them and had a heart attack. Twenty minutes later he was brain dead,” Audino said. She then flew to Kent and turned off her son’s life support.

“No mother should ever have to do that to their child."

“No mother should ever have to do that to their child."

Audino hopes others will learn from her son’s death. “The message I want to send today is to people out there celebrating that drugs are legal is to sit back and think of the consequences,” she said. “Your life can change forever in a heartbeat. And it’s not just yours. You can suffer from psychosis or become paralyzed. Your family will turn upside down.”

She added: “Just think. You could end up like my Jimmy, a great, happy young man with his whole life ahead of him. And now he’s gone.”
I think marijuana is not bad compares to eating a bacon on top of donut which contain pure saturation fat. Yuck!
this has happened more than once Many brought in hospital strokes hearts etc They just put something different into them.i read they trying bring laws in stop legal highs