More Republicans desert McCain

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The Republican party is slowly disintegrating into a state of "nothingness." In fact, Republicans will be meeting shortly after the election to discuss how they can rejuvinate their party (which tells me they're expecting a McCain loss against Obama). Not good news for the GOP.
The rats are jumping the sinking ship....

The Republican party is no longer Abe, Teddy and Ike's party. What's more is Obama's collecting a LOT of dissatsified Republicans. If Obama wins, these voters would be known as "Obama Republicans" compared to Dems voting for St. Ronnie Reagan way back in 1980. Those "Reagan Democrats" are finding their way back to the Dem fold.
The Republican party is slowly disintegrating into a state of "nothingness." In fact, Republicans will be meeting shortly after the election to discuss how they can rejuvinate their party (which tells me they're expecting a McCain loss against Obama). Not good news for the GOP.

Its a cycle.

The Republicans will energize themselves in the next couple of years while the Democrats are in control.

Then the Democrats will slowly disintegrate into a state of "nothingness" and that is when the Republicans will come back into power.

It's a pattern.
Its a cycle.

The Republicans will energize themselves in the next couple of years while the Democrats are in control.

Then the Democrats will slowly disintegrate into a state of "nothingness" and that is when the Republicans will come back into power.

It's a pattern.

Actually, I think the next 4 years will be an exception. Given the extremely poor state of our country right now, things can only improve under an Obama Administration. If people like what they see under Obama, there's a very good possibility that he (or another Democrat) could be elected for another 4 years.

Also, if Palin chooses to run for the Presidency in 2012, there's absolutely no hope for a Republican victory.
Actually, I think the next 4 years will be an exception. Given the extremely poor state of our country right now, things can only improve under an Obama Administration. If people like what they see under Obama, there's a very good possibility that he (or another Democrat) could be elected for another 4 years.

Also, if Palin chooses to run for the Presidency in 2012, there's absolutely no hope for a Republican victory.

That's true, true...

Palin is found guilty for abuse her power and other situation, I don't want her to be in white house.
Daily Kos: A Tale Of Two Parties

Even more better is the son of St. Ronnie Reagan, Ron Reagan officially endorsed Obama last night, joining Susan Eisenhower (Ike Eisenhower's granddaughter'), and Julie Nixon (Richard Nixon's daughter)

Ron Reagan Officially Supports Barack Obama: The Reagan Era Takes a Detour |

Call it the final stake in the myth and destructive path of the Reagan era. On the evening of October 31, Ron Reagan -- son of the Gipper -- officially endorsed Barack Obama for President.

Reagan now has an evening program on Air America (and is quite good), and had withheld an "official endorsement," he said, because he figured that listeners knew by now where he stood. But you also sensed listening to him that he decided to make a clean break that began when he appeared at the Democratic Convention in 2004. He didn't endorse Kerry then; he spoke on behalf of sickle cell research.

I was there in Boston when he spoke in the convention center and the crowd didn't quite know how to react to the offspring of the Moses of the kooky right wing. Eventually, he received a warm but still restrained round of applause.

Since that time, Reagan -- as anyone who listens to his Air America program will learn -- has become a clear progressive, and if he had not formally endorsed Obama on Halloween Eve (on his radio show), you knew that he was going to vote for him.

It's getting bad for the GOP when the kids and grandkids of Republican presidents endorses Obama.. :rofl:

Can we draft and run Ron Reagan for the Dems in 2016? :) At least he's 100 times better than his daddy. That will teach the GOP a few things lol.
Like I said, the Republican party is slowly disintegrating into a state of "nothingness."

As for Ron Reagan's support of Obama, it just goes to prove how much smarter he is than Rush Limbaugh. :giggle:
While some republicans become democrates, other democrates become republicans. If you told me 10 years ago that I would supported a republican leader I simply wouldn't believe you.

However, views can change either way. I'm not the only one to change my mind.

This election has changed many of us. Before Obama I never watched Fox News or Sean Hannity (I would rather have visited the dentist); but after Obama Fox became a valued news source and Hannity my investigative reporter of choice. (Go figure.)

I came across a very good post on YouTube, and I have decided to share it here. It presents the thoughts of another messenger that I always avoided like the plaque, but it is factual and clearly points out the duplicity of the Democratic Party’s Presidential Campaign and its newest flip-flop.

Forgive me; the messenger is Rush Limbaugh. (I'm sorry, really sorry. My enemy’s enemy is my friend?) The Halloween tweak to the Obama Tax Plan that Limbaugh shares is a tax increase for those making $120,000 or more presented by none other than the Governor of New Mexico. (I didn’t make a typo; I call it Obama’s Halloween Trick.)

Don’t shoot the messenger, hear Limbaugh (and Gov Bill Richardson) out:

YouTube - Obama Tax Cuts for... WHo exactly??

Obama's Halloween Trick |
Rush Limbaugh sucks. No one listens to what he has to say except for those on the extreme right. :roll:

Sean Hannity sucks too, but not as much as Rush. At least Sean can admit when he's wrong -- and he had the good sense to add a Democrat on his show "Hannity and Colmes."

dreama, you may be trying to convince ADers to vote for McCain/Palin, but no one is listening (no pun intended).

Like it or not, in less than 72 hours, Barack Obama will be elected the 44th President of the United States.
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