Moral Stories...


Active Member
Mar 26, 2003
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I'm sure most of y'll know what the story of Goldilock is...

If you aren't sure, read it at this link Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Fairy Tales

I just want to get some feedbacks around here... I will explain my reason for the 'Moral Stories...' at end of several stories to make a point

Should Goldilock go back to the Bears' home? Why or why not?
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How old was Goldilocks, why wasn't an adult supervising her, and why did the bears leave their door unlocked?

In other words, Goldilocks may have been to young to understand that she was doing something wrong, an adult should have been watching her to begin with, and the bears should have been responsible enough to lock the door so no one could get in.

Once we answer these three questions, then we can decide whether she should have to go back or not, and whether she should go back with an adult.


How old was Goldilocks, why wasn't an adult supervising her, and why did the bears leave their door unlocked?

In other words, Goldilocks may have been to young to understand that she was doing something wrong, an adult should have been watching her to begin with, and the bears should have been responsible enough to lock the door so no one could get in.

Once we answer these three questions, then we can decide whether she should have to go back or not, and whether she should go back with an adult.


Let's say I add something little more...Goldilock is older and now old enough to decide what's right or wrong, she knew she wasn't suppose to go in the house when she was bit younger but did anyway. Result she escaped/got kicked out and was ordered never to return ever again in the area. Now she's older and should she go there again do same thing or learn from her lesson and move on?
Learn from her lesson and move on.

She should accept the fact that she isn't welcome in that house anymore as her consequence, and she should make the decision not to do what she did again to anyone else.

It might help the situation if she sent the bears a written apology for eating their food, breaking furniture, and sleeping in a bed that didn't belong to her.
Learn from her lesson and move on.

She should accept the fact that she isn't welcome in that house anymore as her consequence, and she should make the decision not to do what she did again to anyone else.

It might help the situation if she sent the bears a written apology for eating their food, breaking furniture, and sleeping in a bed that didn't belong to her.

What if the Bears took the Goldilock to the "court" and had a written that Goldilock isn't allowed to go to the Bear's area, you're right, she should accept the fact that she isn't welcome in that area/house anymore per her consequence...
Now here's a 2nd moral short story...

Y'll know who Paris Hilton is.... She went to jail for what she did, got out but now back in jail which's a good lesson for her... Nothing's gonna change that way

BUT what if she is actually freed from jail just pay fine. What would you think it'll effect the society? Do you think other people who got in DUI will copy "Paris's way"?
Come on people, I want hear more comments so I can explain stereotype from the stories I told related to the point I will tell...
only 60 views? come on and post something to my comments and see my final point coming up soon...
Goldlilock was taught by her parents that bears are dangerous. That's why she flee. But the story never stated that her parents taught her that bears are dangerous. If she told her parents what she did at the Bears' house. Her parents would be shocked and her father probably grabs his rifle and hunt down the poor Bears.

If she was not taught that bears are not dangerous, I am not sure she may flee. If Bears are humans, I highly doubt she'd flee. They probably would drag her to her parents' house and they would make her to apologize them for what she did.

Goldilock is spoiled, needy and mischevious. she can get everything what she wants until she learned a lesson after she made a mistake entering the house without the permission first. Goldilock would not go back to Bears' house and apologize them because she is afraid of "bears". I bet she doesn't know Bears can talk. Why would Bears need spoons when they can use their paws to eat? That's what Bears do? :P

Bears also made a mistake that they left their door unlocked. Bears should have a security system and a dog to guard their home. Oh, wait. They are Bears! They can guard their property. You know, Breaking and entering, and vandalism could lead to trouble. Goldilock needs to learn to respect other's property and privacy.
Paris should do the hard time so she can learn her lesson, not be a whiny and rotten bytch and get away with crap like that.. I wonder if the medical problem she had was fake?? geez....
Paris should do the hard time so she can learn her lesson, not be a whiny and rotten bytch and get away with crap like that.. I wonder if the medical problem she had was fake?? geez....

What if Paris actually got out of Jail and just pay fine instead going back to Jail, do you think other people will copy what she did?
Ah yeah, Nozobo.. I would think some other folks will copy what she does with pay fines and etc.. but Paris should learn to take it in the guts and go to jail and learn that.. blah..
Thank you for your feedback...

Ah yeah, Nozobo.. I would think some other folks will copy what she does with pay fines and etc.. but Paris should learn to take it in the guts and go to jail and learn that.. blah..

Now to my point from the moral stories... Go to:
-->AllDeaf-->Announcements-->Forum Rules
The first thread there... or go here Y'll know the rules, blah blah blah...

I want to highlight some rules toward a member that is continuous doing this, Of course i'm not gonna name this member.

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Dont you agree if a member is continuous doing this and got into new username then doing it again after many offense should be followed up?
First of all... Bears do not live in a house.
Bears run faster than human, so they would have eaten Goldilock...

Yes there would be a copying of Paris Hilton... and um
that is it.
