Money ???


New Member
Jan 8, 2006
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I like to know about SSD check and SSI check about married.
One have SSD and other one have SSI, then if couples get married, will SSI go down ? SSD? Will it be more complicated?
I suggest you to start thinking about your future career than thinking of living on government money.
twilkerson2006 said:
I want to sure safe for my future that

File for unemployment benefits if you ever get fired. ;) SSDI generally is worth it more than SSI, if you ever get disabled and can't be able to work, or you've worked for many years and lost the job. Either way, life isn't easy.
I am not certain if your SSI check goes down. I don't believe it does.

I agree with Sequoias. You can earn far more money if you focus on a career than you can ever get on government funding.

If you're really concerned about your future, see if you can meet with a financial consultant. They will usually tell you the following:


1) You develop your financial plan and risk feasibility

2) You create an emergency fund and place it in low-yield (low interest earns you some but not a lot of extra money), high-security, highly liquid (you can take it out and use it quickly) investment vehicles. Sometimes they can be short-term T-bills, Certificates of Deposit, or Money Market Funds.

3) You develop a more advanced, higher-return plan, which usually includes investing in stocks and other high-yield (more money from your investment) investments.

Usually, if you do this, you can end up with LOTS more money in the future. There are also many other investment strategies that can get you quite some financial security. I like real estate, for example, and pay attention to that. I should mention I don't usually like REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts), though and tend to assign them a small role in my financial planning.

If you need help locating a financial planner, I can point you to some resources in your local area that may be able to help you find a quality planner. Let me know.
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married to find out if U ren't happy with ur SSI/SSD down, then get divorced :D

Yeah, I think so if both on SSI will down as they're married, I remember reading somewhere the thread here posted by Miss Pinocchio says over there raised starting Jan. 2006 603 a person and 934 or something that for couple" :aw: :dunno:

but why are u so important to SSI than to live with ur love one to be ur side as long as U guys live

u may read urself at find SSI benefit there sure more information :)
I think so.....

Why not call your local social security office tomorrow and just ask?
what the big deal about money?!?! its not going everything. Don't be surprise if those government will stop paying you.. Well, I think its basically on love. I understand about on living situation. If not work out, get a job or under table.. something like that.

Actually, I don't think SSDI will cut, but SSI possiblity. It depends on both of you. Hope u think of love than money. It sound like greedy, doesn't it?
Just call your social security and ask them.. I draw social security myself and got a part time job, and I'm going pretty good myself... Depends on where you live... Different rules in different loctaions. :)

It wont hurt to ask!