Mom left brain-tumor son alone for 2 days


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Police: Mom left brain-tumor son alone for 2 days
Kennesaw woman says she had military training


Published on: 01/12/07

A Kennesaw woman has been charged with leaving her 12-year-old son by himself at home for two days after he had surgery for a brain tumor while she attended military training in Tennessee.

Darniece Howard, 29, was arrested when she returned home Thursday and charged with felony cruelty to children in the second degree and a misdemeanor charge of contributing to the deprivation of a minor, Kennesaw Officer Scott Luther said.

Howard told officers she had to attend the training session in Knoxville.

State child welfare workers contacted authorities Wednesday about a boy staying at the Trees of Kennesaw Apartments, Luther said.

Luther said the boy had undergone an operation for a brain tumor that apparently was causing him to have seizures.

The boy was shaken when officers arrived but was OK. He was placed in state custody.

Police: Mom left brain-tumor son alone for 2 days |

As usual, I am sure the media is presenting one side of the story but however, If everything in this article was said to be true - I would have to wonder what the hell was the mother thinking of by leaving her son who recently had a brain surgery for his brain tumor alone just so the mother can go to the military training for 2 days?
hmmmmm court marshal if she doesn't show up for military training. what could she be thinking????
:::Sigh:::....She could have found someone else to watch her son....I don't understand some parents anymore....
If you were in the military and you missed military training then the MP's can come and arrest you and throw you in the brig ( military term for jail ) No matter what.

Even with brain surgery, I am sure her parents or a friend of hers or a woman next door will be more than happy to keep an eye on the boy until she gets back from military training.

I can't believe her !!!!! :eek3:
^Angel^ said:
:::Sigh:::....She could have found someone else to watch her son....I don't understand some parents anymore....
What if she couldn’t? Sometimes parents make poor judgment calls because they feel there are no viable solutions available to them. If this mother had no options available to her, and was in fear of being court marshaled if she missed military training, and would then not be available to take care of her son later, she made a poor choice based on the options available to her.

Heath said:
Even with brain surgery, I am sure her parents or a friend of hers or a woman next door will be more than happy to keep an eye on the boy until she gets back from military training.
Again, WE DON’T KNOW what this woman’s circumstances were. Maybe she tried to get help. Maybe she had set up for someone to come and take care of her son in her absence and they just didn’t show up. WE DON’T KNOW!

I just get really tired of everyone wanting to judge others not based on knowledge, but based on tid bits randomly selected by the media.
I´m afraid that Eve is correct about her last post toward Heath´s post.

I rather to listen mother´s side first then.....
I think Knoxville military base does have child care center. She could have taken her son with her and then the military commander there, I am sure would have understood and had 2 female military guards just keep an eye on her son while she attended military training, if there was no child care center available although I do think chances are there was a child care center on the military base and she would not have to pay a dime for child care at all. I am sure the female MP's would have been more than happy to keep an eye on her son for a while, if there really was no child care center there and in the future the military commander would have made some options available to her.
Heath said:
I think Knoxville military base does have child care center. She could have taken her son with her and the military commander there, I am sure would have understood and had 2 female military guards just keep an eye on her son while she attended military training, if there was no child care center available although I do think chances are there was a child care center on the military base and she would not have to pay a dime for child care at all. I am sure the female MP's would have been more than happy to keep an eye on her son for a while, if there really was no child care center there and in the future the military commander would have made some options available to her.
The kid just had brain surgery, I am sure it would not be medically sound for him to be moved after such an ordeal. Nor should he be subjected to a "child care center" where abundant bacteria and germs thrive.
The kid just had brain surgery, I am sure it would not be medically sound for him to be moved after such an ordeal. Nor should he be subjected to a "child care center" where abundant bacteria and germs thrive.

True, Oh Well .....
Sheesh here we go again....I for one do not care of the reason why the mother had to leave her brain surgery son home alone, and look what happened? it cost her to lose her son....nice going!!
Angel, while I respect your position, and I do realize that many parents are overly negligent with their children, I also realize that the media only reports what they feel will influence our desire to read more. Without ALL of the facts, we should not be so quick to judge others. After all, we don't appreciate it when others judge us without having any knowledge of our circumstances, now do we?
Well, like someone said there's 3 different sides of one story - one is the truth, and herself and the child. So, let's wait and see what the outcome is goin' to be after investigation............
Police: Mom left brain-tumor son alone for 2 days |

As usual, I am sure the media is presenting one side of the story but however, If everything in this article was said to be true - I would have to wonder what the hell was the mother thinking of by leaving her son who recently had a brain surgery for his brain tumor alone just so the mother can go to the military training for 2 days?
This article is very sketchy on details.

Where's the woman's husband?

Did she contact her command and explain the situation?

Is she active duty, reserve, or National Guard? Which service?

Normally, reservists drill on weekends. She was gone mid-week.

Miltary members who are single parents, or two military members married to each other, are required to fill out and sign documents that attest that they have provided for the care of their minor children in the case of deployment or during their duty assignments.
hmmmmm court marshal if she doesn't show up for military training. what could she be thinking????
During my 7 years active, and 17 years reserve military duty, I never heard of anyone getting a court martial for missing two-day training. We're talking training here, not a deployment. There are consequences to missing training but not by courts martial.

I asked Hubby about that also. He was on active duty 21 years, and worked with reserve and active commands. At times, it was his responsibility to prepare charges and documents for courts martial and non-judicial punishment. He never heard of anyone getting a court martial for missing two-day training.
If you were in the military and you missed military training then the MP's can come and arrest you and throw you in the brig ( military term for jail ) No matter what.
Sorry, Heath, that's not true. That's not the way it's done.

Even with brain surgery, I am sure her parents or a friend of hers or a woman next door will be more than happy to keep an eye on the boy until she gets back from military training.
Military parents are supposed to have prior binding arrangements for child care. They're not supposed make last minute arrangements.