Mom Gives Birth to Quadruplets Three-Years after Triplets

Wow so that means 7 kids all together whoa! I am sure that she is done with having kids already! :hyper:
FelixKat930 said:
Wow so that means 7 kids all together whoa! I am sure that she is done with having kids already! :hyper:

Actually, I believe she has NINE kids in all. She had two older children BEFORE she gave birth to the triplets. Then, she just gave birth to the quads. This woman is gonna be busy!!!!

I sure as heck wouldn't want to be her!

NO WAY!!!! :hyper:
I hope she gets the help she needs and a new home or additional rooms made : D.
that's a freak of nature, hell, im a male and even shudder to think how a women preggy carries ONE baby (I think maybe we could develop a technology so women can lay eggs, once fertilised)

This particular women carried 3 before then 4 this time whoa...yup she'd be ultra-busy. not just with the babies, but media, doctors, nurses, extra care-staffs in her home...whew she' be thrilled im sure, but still, one might have to wonder if its a gift or a curse.
Grummer said:
but still, one might have to wonder if its a gift or a curse.

I'm with you on this. I just cannot imagine.

On a personal and related note, I have a cousin who gave birth to two sets of twins 18 mos apart. She was told that her chances of having a single birth was the same as the average person having twins. Needless to say, after the second set of twins were born, she had her tubes tied!

I would, too! Good grief!! :hyper:
Wow! That's very suck, I would rather to born one baby or two babies that's it :shock:

She would be very busy but she is lucky to having two older daugthers and a husband that would help her with babies when they come back from school and work plus she is lucky to having a friend who admit to helping her with babies too!
:jaw: :jaw: :jaw: :jaw:

NINE children in a ONE bedroom apartment????? My three drive me nuts in a three bedroom apt. Hopefully they can move to a place with at least one more bathroom before all those girls get older :D

A woman's twin went to kindergarden with my daughters, she is mother of twin three times over - 6 girls total!!!
LuciaDisturbed said:

I hope that does not happen to me. :hyper:

The scary thing is, it COULD! :lol:

If you read my "personal note" above, I mentioned something about a cousin I have who gave birth to two sets of twins....

Well, she's the reason I am seriously considering a tubal ligation! (that, and I just don't want kids! :lol:)

Seriously, multiple births run in my family. My great grandfather was a twin. I have serious health considerations to worry about with getting pregnant with just ONE baby, let alone more than one. Therefore, I'm just not going there.
OMG it not for me. Thanks goodness I have just one son. Running away see ya. Zooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmm.
Oh Man - Count me out on having that many! Having 2 kids is already crazy enough but sure, I'd not trade them for anything in the world. I'd be like "I'm outta here!"