dereksbicycles, don't you really like cars though? (I am thinking it is you that I have seen post about various cars before but maybe I am wrong.) Why would you get rid of it if it was something you found interesting in the first place? When you bought it you did not know that it played music, but you bought it for a reason (something neat to tinker with?). Does the noise that it makes bother you? You might be able to take the music box out if it if it bothers you, then you might have a nice little storage box for trinkets (maybe guys don't need trinket boxes- maybe you would find a nice trinket that you would need a cool box for
). Like others have said, it is a really unique piece. And if you are the car person I am thinking you are (from what I have seen in posts- but again, maybe I have you mixed up with someone else) it would be a neat piece to have around- make for a good conversation piece