Millinieum children


Forum Disorders M.D.,Ph.D
Nov 6, 2006
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I found this browsing around sociology resources.
Very cool stats and info, if you are born within the 80's to 00's.
Move over, old people.. your ideas and way of life don't work with them.:P

The Millennium Student:

Born from about 1980 through 2000
- “Grew up" during the ‘90s and the ’00s
- Raised on technology, parental guidance, and a new “appreciation” of children

- Echo Boomers, or children of Baby Boomers, Millennial is the next dominant generation of Americans
- Oldest just out of college; youngest in grade school
- Ethnically diverse – sensitive to diversity
-----34% are Black, Hispanic, Asian, or Native American

- One in four (25%) live in single parent households

- Three in four (75%) have working mothers

- One in five (20%) Millennial women will choose to remain childless


- First generation to grow up with computers in the home and school

- Spend 1/3 of their lives on the internet (email, chatroom, Facebook, myspace)

- Consider email and instant messaging preferred forms of communication

- Demand quick, if not instant, gratification

"I facebook through most of my classes"
"I bring my laptop to class but I'm not working on class stuff"
"I will read 8 books this year... 2300 web pages, 1281 facebook profiles"
"I get 7 hours of sleep each night... 1.5 hours watching TV, 3.5 hours online, 2 hours of music, 2 hours on cellphone, 3 hours in class, 2 hours sleeping, 3 hours studying."
"I am a multi-tasker - I have to be."


How they use their time:
- Students learn best by performing some educational activity
- Study:
-----Full time college students spent 2.9 hours per day on educational studies
-----High school students averaged 6.1 hours per day

- Students see college as a vacation from educational activities

Challenged to Balance:
- Many millennial are full time students with part time jobs.
- "I go to my 8:30 class once in awhile... after receiving a $150 cell phone bill and many credit card statements, missing a class here and there is worth it."

Millennium Generation
- Diverse and tolerant
-----Strong dislike for racism, sexism and homophobia in any form

- High in volunteerism, appreciate family, country and planet.
- Not inclined to get involved in or engage in mainstream politics (... around here :P)

(^ University Publications CSU Chico

- Motivated and goal orientated, upbeat and confident.

- Sees rules differently >>> as flexible

- High value for education
-----90% of HS seniors expected to attend college
-----Strive to continue education throughout life

(^ University Publications CSU Chico

- Trust their parents more than any other persons of authority
- Would put family first if they had to choose between having a family or a successful job
- More come from lower to milddle income families and assume they will need some sort of part-time work in order to help fund their studies


- Used to being supervised / watched
- Are accustomed to being told what the best decision is.
- Tend to avoid "owning" their decisions
- Would often rather be told what to do

(^ Advising Millennials, Jeannie Kranzow Ph.D.)

Key Beliefs on education
- Regard a baccalaureate degree as minimum degree necessary for life
- Bachelor's degree leads to financial stability
- Want to find personal satisfaction and fulfillment in work
- Boomer parents and society place considerable pressure on millennial to attend and succeed in college


High Expectations = Stress
"It's an exception set by my parents. I'm not sure what I even want to be. I want to take a semester off first, but I know that I have to go to school. It is my goal my parents have set for me and I don't want to disappoint them." - Maria

Millennials are used to be rewarded for "attempting" anything
- Trophies for everything
- Participation ribbons