Milk issues


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
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So my youngest at the moment, has a milk issue. Her doctor has been watching it since she was born but is still worried. After she was born I breast feed her, but it would be in the tummy for about 5 minutes before it was back out. I had to feed her every 15 minutes. After 6 months of fighting with her tummy she had only gained 5 pounds from her birth weight. Her doctor had me switch her to formula. That didn't work at all so she was moved to baby food and water. She is now almost 2 years old and we have tired everything. 1%, 2%, whole, coconut, soy, lactose free, and almond milk. We learned 2 things, 1. She can't have any of that kind of milk and 2. She is EXTREMELY allergic to almonds. She is getting older and will be going to preschool next year. A lot of her babysitters kept forgetting that she can't have milk or milk products. Even cheese, yogurt, and some candies. I am worried that someone will give her something when I am not around. Her doctor has told us that she is confused by her case. She believes that she is allergic but the blood test they did said other wise. They have never seen a case of lactose intolerance this strong. We have her on a calcium vitamin, but she has a hard time with those too.
Has anyone else had a child that is lactose or allergic to milk? Or maybe have a suggestion?

You could buy your daughter some T shirts like this to wear to school
I know they're not pretty but it'll warn people not give her any dairy product . Have your tried rice milk? I think you would have to buy it at health food store . I have people in my family that can't drink milk , one person can only drink soymilk and been on it her whole life.
I have not tired rice milk. My husband's family is split, half are just lactose and other half are lactose and allergic to goat milk. The shirt is silly but the button makes since, get one for milk products and one for tree nuts, those send her to the hospital. It's find of crazy for me because I am not allergic to anything that I know of, so I never watch what I eat.

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I'm sorry your daughter's case is difficult. I was going to ask you if you have tried rice milk, but whatdidyousay! beat me.

Is your daughter allergic to latex?
I have not tired rice milk. My husband's family is split, half are just lactose and other half are lactose and allergic to goat milk. The shirt is silly but the button makes since, get one for milk products and one for tree nuts, those send her to the hospital. It's find of crazy for me because I am not allergic to anything that I know of, so I never watch what I eat.

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If the shirt keep someone from giving your child a dairy product and getting sick how is that silly? That mean nothing that you're not allergic , my daughter needed eyes glasses when she was younger and I had 20/15 vision I didn't think it was silly my child eyes sight was not as good as mine. It could be from your husband side of the family that has allergies or even on your side that popped up in your child.
Is it nessary at 2 she still need Mike..I used goat milk but at 2 change to water
My baby is not allergic to latex that I know of. I find it crazy because I have never been around a person or child that is allergic to things. It is just different. Her doctor said the milk is kind of needed, strong bone and all that yak. But we do giver her water and juice.

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The t-shirt is nice... in theory. I can't imagine making a kid wear that every day. It also will put a target on the kid for other kids to tease her (when older and they can read). Kids will bully others about ANYTHING. But... in the end it is HER choice whether or not to get t-shirt (expensive) or use some other method.

The button is a better idea or even one of those temp tattoos. A med alert bracelet or necklace is a good idea down the road also.

These are cool--


Found quite a few others in google also.
My baby is not allergic to latex that I know of. I find it crazy because I have never been around a person or child that is allergic to things. It is just different. Her doctor said the milk is kind of needed, strong bone and all that yak. But we do giver her water and juice.

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I find that hard to believe you never been around anyone with allergies , people have allergies to a numbers of thing from grass , dog dust cats etc.
I find that hard to believe you never been around anyone with allergies , people have allergies to a numbers of thing from grass , dog dust cats etc.

She probably means she has never knowingly been around someone who has severe FOOD allergies.
I have dairy allergies <not lactose intolerance- my mom has that> and have had issues since I was a kid. When I was a child there wasn't the awareness they have now about kids with various allergies and sensitivities, and things like those shirts WDYS! posted <where did you find those?> or that cute bracelet DeafDucky put up.

Has your child seen an allergist or immunologist? There may be other options to consider or add in, too, like a naturopath < as a team "Add-in">.

Have you tried non-homogenized and not "ultra-pastuerized" local milk from grass-fed cattle as opposed to highly processed <conventional; from typical grocery store> milk, or goat's milk with her?

I myself have not had dairy in years and drink or used in cereal a variety of unsweetened- almond, hemp, rice or coconut milk. They also now make oat milk and flax milk but as far as I know all those kinds of things I would use are generally not for babies/toddlers.

I found this link to a guideline for "milks" for toddlers:’s-milk-alternatives-for-toddlers.html

newer thinking is that the degree to which anyone - even a child "needs" dairy products for "strong bones" - could be a bit of a myth. Be aware there are various thoughts on it.

I also found this
a toddler organic rice milk formula that someone else on another site said worked for their child, who can't have dairy or soy.

I have a lot of environmental and chemical sensitivities and allergies as well as the dairy, and currently have various food restrictions for another inflammatory thing so am very used to looking for alternatives in food, and checking into what's in something or looking at labels.

Good luck DeafNerdMommy!
I have dairy allergies <not lactose intolerance- my mom has that> and have had issues since I was a kid. When I was a child there wasn't the awareness they have now about kids with various allergies and sensitivities, and things like those shirts WDYS! posted <where did you find those?> or that cute bracelet DeafDucky put up.

Has your child seen an allergist or immunologist? There may be other options to consider or add in, too, like a naturopath < as a team "Add-in">.

Have you tried non-homogenized and not "ultra-pastuerized" local milk from grass-fed cattle as opposed to highly processed <conventional; from typical grocery store> milk, or goat's milk with her?

I myself have not had dairy in years and drink or used in cereal a variety of unsweetened- almond, hemp, rice or coconut milk. They also now make oat milk and flax milk but as far as I know all those kinds of things I would use are generally not for babies/toddlers.

I found this link to a guideline for "milks" for toddlers:’s-milk-alternatives-for-toddlers.html

newer thinking is that the degree to which anyone - even a child "needs" dairy products for "strong bones" - could be a bit of a myth. Be aware there are various thoughts on it.

I also found this
a toddler organic rice milk formula that someone else on another site said worked for their child, who can't have dairy or soy.

I have a lot of environmental and chemical sensitivities and allergies as well as the dairy, and currently have various food restrictions for another inflammatory thing so am very used to looking for alternatives in food, and checking into what's in something or looking at labels.

Good luck DeafNerdMommy!

My mom said when I was baby I would throw up my milk as soon as drink it and mom had to buy me double grade A I drink it. I know a lot of people that have a hard drinking milk.

I Googles images for ' dairy products allergies' and got a whole much of things , I will try to find the link again.

A bracelet would be easy to lose while playing and most small kids keep taking on and off, they don't take their T shirt off so this would be a best way to go to me.
Do you have milk now, WDYS! ?

That was interesting to see the different things in the link!
I've been thinking about getting some kinda medical ID bracelet or something cuz I have so many reactions; just last night I had hives from who knows what.
Yesterday hub got me some herbal and brown rice syrup-based throat lozenges from health food store for my cold. I've had brown rice syrup before and the lozenges have been great for my cough/throat, so I don't know, but that's the only new thing I've had.

Hope OP can get some answers....OP, maybe there's a local online support grouP where you are for parents of kids with food allergies or special dietary needs. I know where I am they have a variety of things.
I'm surprised your daughter's pediciatrian didn't recommend vitamin D. Primary doctors are not really trained in nutrition. They usually take class once (4 week or 6 week) at medical schools. Have your daughter's vitamin D level test.

I am not sure what's wrong with your daughter. It appears she may have issues with both casein (milk protein) and lactose (milk sugar). It sounds like your daughter is also allergic to protein in almonds. You may want to take her to immunologist. My sister-in-law is lactose intolerant. If she eats a meal with a dairy, she runs to the restroom or bathroom in hurry. She gave a birth to her son. Her son had milk issues. His skin was all rash. It was on his face. He avoided anything dairy during the birth-12 month, including breast milk. There was the only one formula that worked for him is Nutramigen. Very expensive formula. He is 9 year old now and can consume dairy just fine. He is not a milk person except he likes cheese. He doesn't break hive or anything like that. He is a good student at his school and loves his horse riding lessons.

Infants tend to be sensitive when it come to breast milk. They usually outgrow when they turn 2-3. Every one is different. You have to be observant to what your daughter eat and write a diary what works for her. Find out what is in the food that is not good for her. It seems like lots of work, but it is worth it, believe me. I had mother's milk tea and my son didn't like it. He was all fussy. I stopped breastfeeding him until it left my system. He was back to himself now. I have to watch what I eat works for him. He is doing well now.
My father had his DNA tested. He has over 47% Native American and 4% African. He can tolerate buttermilk with probiotics. I think his other ethnics played a role in that.

My sister wanted to have her DNA tested to see if we other ethnics in our family be don't know about . She was told the test works best on men and the only man in our family we have is our jackass ex brother that no one talk to. I think the older I get the less I can't tolerate milk . I should try almond milk but it would have to be unsweetened . yucky !
My sister wanted to have her DNA tested to see if we other ethnics in our family be don't know about . She was told the test works best on men and the only man in our family we have is our jackass ex brother that no one talk to. I think the older I get the less I can't tolerate milk . I should try almond milk but it would have to be unsweetened . yucky !
There are apparently 3 types of DNA testing...YDNA , Autosomal and mitochondrial. YDNA works only on males and looks at the direct paternal line while autosomal can be used across gender and can look at anywhere in the family tree and mitochondrial looks at the maternal line.

Some interesting information here-- (looks like DNA testing is only fairly recent since around 1999)
I would think if just on healthy diet then milk not that important.Mammels give up milk as soon all them teeth are through..I would not stress yourself