Mikhail Kalashnikov, AK 47 inventor, dies at 94

He was quite a man who will be very missed. Never made a dime off his own invention, unfortunately, but he had a good life.

He invented kalashnikov weapons, and that weapon killed too many people in war. It is very dangerous weapon. Some people including myself wishes that he didn't invent AK-47 so that way it saves a lot of innocent people in African war.
He invented kalashnikov weapons, and that weapon killed too many people in war. It is very dangerous weapon. Some people including myself wishes that he didn't invent AK-47 so that way it saves a lot of innocent people in African war.

Then we should fault all the scientists that inadvertently contributed to the atomic bomb. He wasn't responsible for what anyone does, any more than major league baseball should be held accountable for murders committed with a baseball bat.
He did express sadness that his weapons (or should I say his design) had ended up in the hands of terrorist groups and child soldiers. All he really wanted was a reliable piece of equipment for his fellow soldiers..