Microwaved Water...whoa


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May 26, 2004
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Dang. I tried this experiment with alfalfa seeds (trying to make sprouts) twice, and I got different results with microwaved water.
On the other hand, regular water made the sprouts grow like crazy...
Hmmm, guess I wll not microwave water for coffee any more, lol.
Try this, it will freak you out.
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Beowulf said:
Guess I will stop microwaving my water for coffee...

Are you aware that the water can.. well.. erupt after being put in the microwave?

You have be careful when you do that. Once you take the cup out, better keep your face away from it because it can erupt and go into your face giving you bad burn scars.

Did anybody know this for a fact?
Banjo said:
Are you aware that the water can.. well.. erupt after being put in the microwave?

You have be careful when you do that. Once you take the cup out, better keep your face away from it because it can erupt and go into your face giving you bad burn scars.

Did anybody know this for a fact?
yea i agree with u.. i heard abt one person got burn face and got scars too... it can be happen!
Banjo said:
Are you aware that the water can.. well.. erupt after being put in the microwave?

You have be careful when you do that. Once you take the cup out, better keep your face away from it because it can erupt and go into your face giving you bad burn scars.

Did anybody know this for a fact?
Yes, it happens when any impurity breaks the surface tension of the microwaved water. That is why you shouldn't immediately scoop a spoonful of instant coffee or cocoa powder into a hot microwaved cup of water. Make sure the bubbling has stopped, and don't position your face over the cup.

It is actually more dangerous with distilled water because the distilling process removes prior impurities and makes the water more sensitive to surface tension rupture. Tap water usually has some microscopic impurities in it, so the surface tension in that water is sometimes broken up during the microwaving process.

I have tested this myself (with precautions of course). There is a difference using tap water, bottled water, and distilled water. Just a couple grains of salt can make a difference.

Check this out:

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Banjo said:
Are you aware that the water can.. well.. erupt after being put in the microwave?

You have be careful when you do that. Once you take the cup out, better keep your face away from it because it can erupt and go into your face giving you bad burn scars.

Did anybody know this for a fact?
i have seen this once on news warning people to not have any water in microwave for long period of time (too long for such amount of water)

whenever you put a spoon in water or anything.. it'll erupted all over the air even ur body causing big burns yeah scary... I refuse put water in microwave for long period of time but for short time should be fine :D
Reba said:
Yes, it happens when any impurity breaks the surface tension of the microwaved water. That is why you shouldn't immediately scoop a spoonful of instant coffee or cocoa powder into a hot microwaved cup of water. Make sure the bubbling has stopped, and don't position your face over the cup.

It is actually more dangerous with distilled water because the distilling process removes prior impurities and makes the water more sensitive to surface tension rupture. Tap water usually has some microscopic impurities in it, so the surface tension in that water is sometimes broken up during the microwaving process.

I have tested this myself (with precautions of course). There is a difference using tap water, bottled water, and distilled water. Just a couple grains of salt can make a difference.

Check this out:


Thanks for the useful information, I wouldn't be surprised if most people aren't aware of these dangers.

I don't put hot cocoa or any hot liquid products in there. I prefer to use my water cooler which has a heated tank. So therefore, I don't need the microwave to make my hot chocolate. :)
Banjo said:
Thanks for the useful information, I wouldn't be surprised if most people aren't aware of these dangers.

I don't put hot cocoa or any hot liquid products in there. I prefer to use my water cooler which has a heated tank. So therefore, I don't need the microwave to make my hot chocolate. :)
oh yea i use hot milk in pot on stove more than microwave cuz of it more SAFETY!
The point I am trying to make is that if you put seeds into water that was microwaved, the seeds WON'T SPROUT...the microwaves do something to the atomic properties of water, I am not sure exactly what.
Try it, put seeds into regular water and they will sprout.
However, if you put seeds into cooled microwaved water, the seeds will not sprout.
Weird, huh?
makes me think twice before putting food in the microwave, but yet laziness overrules logic ;)
Beowulf said:
The point I am trying to make is that if you put seeds into water that was microwaved, the seeds WON'T SPROUT

So if I eat microwaved jalapeno poppers, my seeds wont sprout if I plant them in my gal?

This is seen on the TV show mythbusters. It's cool. Did you guys see the exploding jawbreaker.. now that one is SCARY.
The bright side that I never use microwave and not even own one.

*sneak out to do the small errand*
Yeah, Heated water can unexpectedly burst into violent boiling. ;)

That is why we have coffee maker, for coffee :)

Did you also know that you not allow to put a piece of foil or anything metal in the microwave?
Right, never put silverwares or anything related to metal in the microwave or the microwave will BOOM! Say buh bye to microwave and bury it in the grave then get new one! BTW--for hot chocolate, i use the kettle tho.. :D
DelicPumpkPie said:
Right, never put silverwares or anything related to metal in the microwave or the microwave will BOOM! Say buh bye to microwave and bury it in the grave then get new one!
That's one I ALMOST did. During one of summers, I worked with pre- kids (3 - 5 years old) at school... few kids want to have hot burritos so I got the metal tray and put these burritos on it... One teacher who have an interest in me, saw me and walk faster to stop me from click 'Start' button on microwave. At that time, she couldn't communicate with me thru ASL so she gestured "wait" and went to brought one of teacher who can sign language with her and explained to me about metal and microwave. Good thing that I didn't start it or I may will be in hospital due to exploding microwave.

It is clear enough that I don't know anything about microwave because I never own or have one in my place to start with. My mom don't believe in microwaves either.
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im ALWAYS using the nuker whenever i want to zap up food in a hurry n eat! :D the microwave is my best friend in the kitchen!

i use the KETTLE if i want hot tea/hot chocolate or whatever to get water hot
Yeah, I knew it wasn't safe to use microwaved water for anything. My aunt's boyfriend warned my family about the dangers. And, to think of it, he warned us in the early 80's! :eek: