Michigan Preparing To Let Doctors Refuse To Treat Gays


New Member
Apr 3, 2004
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It is plainly outrageous. Read on:

(Lansing, Michigan) Doctors or other health care providers could not be disciplined or sued if they refuse to treat gay patients under legislation passed Wednesday by the Michigan House.

The bill allows health care workers to refuse service to anyone on moral, ethical or religious grounds.

The Republican dominated House passed the measure as dozens of Catholics looked on from the gallery. The Michigan Catholic Conference, which pushed for the bills, hosted a legislative day for Catholics on Wednesday at the state Capitol.

The bills now go the Senate, which also is controlled by Republicans.

The Conscientious Objector Policy Act would allow health care providers to assert their objection within 24 hours of when they receive notice of a patient or procedure with which they don't agree. However, it would prohibit emergency treatment to be refused.

Three other three bills that could affect LGBT health care were also passed by the House Wednesday which would exempt a health insurer or health facility from providing or covering a health care procedure that violated ethical, moral or religious principles reflected in their bylaws or mission statement.

Opponents of the bills said they're worried they would allow providers to refuse service for any reason. For example, they said an emergency medical technicians could refuse to answer a call from the residence of gay couple because they don't approve of homosexuality.

Rep. Chris Kolb (D-Ann Arbor) the first openly gay legislator in Michigan, pointed out that while the legislation prohibits racial discrimination by health care providers, it doesn't ban discrimination based on a person's sexual orientation.

"Are you telling me that a health care provider can deny me medical treatment because of my sexual orientation? I hope not," he said.

"I think it's a terrible slippery slope upon which we embark," said Rep. Jack Minore (D-Flint) before voting against the bill.

Paul A. Long, vice president for public policy for the Michigan Catholic Conference, said the bills promote the constitutional right to religious freedom.

"Individual and institutional health care providers can and should maintain their mission and their services without compromising faith-based teaching," he said in a written statement.

Source: http://www.proudparenting.com/page.cfm?Sectionid=65&typeofsite=snippetdetail&ID=1204&snippetset=yes

Words got around that they will attack upon other states too. It is quite inhumane...
That is truly wrong. Hospitals must treat patients no matter who they are. It is extremely mean spirited and they must be condomned. They are not truly professional.

netrox said:
That is truly wrong. Hospitals must treat patients no matter who they are. It is extremely mean spirited and they must be condomned. They are not truly professional.

I completely agree with you. I think they shouldn't be the doctors if they cannot tolerate patients and their beliefs. I guess that Oath of Hippocrates is worthless in 'Faith-based' society. And yet they claimed that they have 'morals'.

:jaw: is this for real or what? For every step we take forward, we also take a step backward.
Meg said:
:jaw: is this for real or what? For every step we take forward, we also take a step backward.

It's for real, but also won't fly. How can it? This is blatant discrimination. I'm sure it'll take some time, but the ACLU and othe groups will be all over this and go to court to block this peice of crap.

You guys are right. This is outrageous.

*smh* :pissed:
It is so disgusted what Michigan is doing to those homosexuals I don't think it is appropriate at all, denying medical treatment to anyone even the homosexuals. What are they going to do? Let them die when they need an emergency treatment? It saddness me how the world is coming to, It is not about freedom anymore, We are all under the control of the governement, Our states, Our President, Our court judge. It isn't about us anymore, Our freedom of religious, our freedom of speech, our freedom to live our life are taken away, If it keeps on continue. :( Why did we wasted our time in Iraq? When our freedom is also taken away too?

I like the way it used to be where everyone had an open mind and stay out of our personal lives, our business, Now they are in our business, and It's taken freedom away from us, What's next? Single parents with children? Blacks? Their religious briefs? That's why I cannot stand those Republicans, because they kept on controling our lives, getting in our business, ordering us around, making laws to take away their freedom, which that is their rights to live their life. Why do we have to be so judging? Who cares if homosexual are out there, It doesn't effect your life, You don't live with them. Leave them alone. :(
:jaw: I can´t beleive when I read those thread here.

This´s doctors´s job task to consider everyone´s healthy, not their private life.
Gay people don't deserve something like that. They need to quit doing the gay life because it is not normal. No more debate futher on this thread.
Crazymanw00t said:
Gay people don't deserve something like that. They need to quit doing the gay life because it is not normal. No more debate futher on this thread.

Are you saying that homosexual don't deserved to have or get medical treatment from doctors for their health? It didn't say in the bible "your bible" that homosexual shouldn't get medical attention. It just disgusted me how you treat/talk to people this way. :nono:
Yes, I think the same, Cheri...

Yes, it´s very disgust what you judge gay people, Crazymanw00t. Remember they are humans....

God love everyone no matter what they are...
Crazymanw00t said:
Gay people don't deserve something like that. They need to quit doing the gay life because it is not normal. No more debate futher on this thread.


No more debate about this? Are you nuts???

It is unethical for a doctor to refuse to treat a patient. PERIOD. When people become doctors, they take an oathe to do "DO NO HARM". By refusing to treat an individual, they are doing harm to that person. It's discrimination, and it's wrong.

Lets see what happens if this law takes effect, and a doctor refuses to treat someone who happens to be gay. I see lawyers coming out of the woodwork to file malpractice suits, or even worse, wrongful death suits. This is the reality should this law take effect. It won't be pretty.
Cheri said:
Are you saying that homosexual don't deserved to have or get medical treatment from doctors for their health? It didn't say in the bible "your bible" that homosexual shouldn't get medical attention. It just disgusted me how you treat/talk to people this way. :nono:

It is wrong, Cheri. Unfortunately, he like many other Christians, interpret the Bible lliterally. In doing so, they fail to see the human costs behind laws like this.
Oceanbreeze said:

No more debate about this? Are you nuts???

It is unethical for a doctor to refuse to treat a patient. PERIOD. When people become doctors, they take an oathe to do "DO NO HARM". By refusing to treat an individual, they are doing harm to that person. It's discrimination, and it's wrong.

Lets see what happens if this law takes effect, and a doctor refuses to treat someone who happens to be gay. I see lawyers coming out of the woodwork to file malpractice suits, or even worse, wrongful death suits. This is the reality should this law take effect. It won't be pretty.

I second that.
Oceanbreeze said:
It is wrong, Cheri. Unfortunately, he like many other Christians, interpret the Bible lliterally. In doing so, they fail to see the human costs behind laws like this.

I know it's wrong Oceanbreeze, My point to him is that he uses the bible in every post when someone does something wrong he uses the bible to shovel it in, But to be honest the bible did not say anything about no medical treatment for homosexual. If he will try to come up with that in his next post. :mrgreen:
Cheri said:
I know it's wrong Oceanbreeze, My point to him is that he uses the bible in every post when someone does something wrong he uses the bible to shovel it in, But to be honest the bible did not say anything about no medical treatment for homosexual. If he will try to come up with that in his next post. :mrgreen:

You're right. The problem is, though. Fundamentalist try to use the bible to justify everything. How can you justify discriminating against someone? It's mind boggling to me. :dizzy:

Like I said earlier, if the law goes into effect, it won't be pretty!
God love everyone and he hate people that practices the sinful life. Homosexual will cause world to be messy place to live. We gotta to stop that homosexual people's life influence the world. I do respect the homosexual people but I don't respect the homosexual people that influences their sinful life to others. So that is a good start to do like that.

My favorite quote, "You can love the person with same sex as you do, but you don't have to have sex with them. Having sex with same sex person (homosexual) are the mental illness people."

I know you hate me to take over this thread and debate with you all. You don't want me to drive this thread to other kind of thread topic. That is why I said no more debate futher. If you want to debate and then create a new thread under debate group thread.