Michelle's Story


New Member
Jul 31, 2007
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hello, my name is Michelle and I am new to this website that I just join today. I am planning to get Cochlear Implant and my surgery date is on August 8, 2007 on my left ear and I am getting Cochlear Freedom I got canitate on July 12, 2007. And I am sooo happy and exciting as closer as my surgery in 7 days I am little bit nerovous but otherwise I will be fine....my husband also wearing Cochlear Implant Freedom on his right ear and his implanted on February 28, 2007 and process turned on March 29, 2007!
Good luck Michelle! I just had my surgery two weeks ago, and August 8th is when I get it turned on.
Congrats on your candidacy! How long have you and your husband been deaf?

As for me, I was born deaf in 1966 and I'm implanted in my left ear.
Welcome Michelle! Glad you found us here. Only a week to go!
My husband was born deaf due to 3 month premature and I could be born deaf also but I got sick with high fever when I was about a year old so I could be born deaf or hearing so it unknown tho
Hi Michelle!

Welcome! :)

I have bilateral CIs. I received my first CI in December, 2004 and the second in February of last year.

I wish you all the best with your CI journey and look forward to following your progress! :)

By the way, I was also born prematurely (in my case, 4 months).
Good luck Michelle, I wish you much success with your implants! My son Drew is doing fantastic - they are an amazing technology.
VERY AWESOME!! Good luck with the surgery! I am sure you'll do just WELL!!!

I got implanted in January and hook up was in February. (ya may see my signature below) I will go back for mapping next week.
Hello Michelle,

Welcome to AD! :)

Congratulations on your candidacy! Good luck with your upcoming surgery!
MIchelle, Welcome to AD. Good Luck with your surgery! Keep us Posted.
but I got sick with high fever when I was about a year old
That's a good advantage. Although you're older maybe your body will "remember" how sound sounded, so that the rehabilation process will be a lot easier for you. (compared to someone who has never heard sound)
I be you are excited! Way to go. I am very happy for you. Your husband love his CI? let us know how it goes.
OH YES my husband love his CI and hearing more and more sounds that he never heard before and love it!
I wish you the best of luck with your surgery!! May you have a speedy recovery :)

Could I ask you what your hearing loss is?
oh boy....my surgery day is tomorrow....I am really getting nervous a bit my hubby will be with me and support me too and also my mom too....