Michael Chorost Speaking at CI Convention July 14 !


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Apr 20, 2003
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Michael Chorost Speaking at CI Convention July 14 !

Who: The Minuteman Implant Club (MIC)

What: The 6th Biennial Northeast Cochlear Implant Convention

When: Friday-Sunday, July 13-15, 2007

Where: Sturbridge Host Hotel & Convention Center -Sturbridge, Massachusetts

Keynote speaker: Michael Chorost, author of Rebuilt: How Becoming Part Computer Made Me More Human

Welcome Page!
Oh man, how I wish I could go! I would LOVE the opportunity to meet him and pick his brain one day. I loved his book!
That would be interesting. I actually emailed him right after my hookup and he even replied. A nice guy.
He should visit Norway.... you guys (and girls..) get all the good stuff...
I really should read his book. It's on my to read list.
Like Deafskeptic, it's also on my next to read list! If I wasn't feeling so blah-y, I'd go to the Library right this second. heh. I'll probably stop by tomorrow and let the kids play there after we pick up my oldest from school.
Awesome! I wish I could go. :(

He commented on my blog once and I got all giddy that someone so famous actually took the time for little old me.:giggle:

He is definitely a very nice guy!
Awesome! I wish I could go. :(

He commented on my blog once and I got all giddy that someone so famous actually took the time for little old me.:giggle:

He is definitely a very nice guy!

I wonder if he lurks on here?
I'd also love to go and would love to read his book. If it's anything like the journal on his website, I'm sure it's a fascinating read.

R2D2: Wouldn't it be great if Michael did lurk on AD? If he did/does, I wish he'd come out of lurk mode. :)
I wonder if he lurks on here?

I think he found my blog through HearingExchange.com. I had just registered there and the site owner added a link to my blog on her home page. The next day I had a comment from him.


It may have helped that I had also just added a link to a video clip of him discussing his CI experiences. ;)
Mamatoes: Can you provide the link to the video he made about his CI?

The only video I found was when he talked about what CI is and stuff. THe video was captioned which is a good thing as I wouldn't have been unable to understand him.
Mamatoes: Can you provide the link to the video he made about his CI?

The only video I found was when he talked about what CI is and stuff. THe video was captioned which is a good thing as I wouldn't have been unable to understand him.


See that tomorrow is your activation day! Best wishes and hope all goes great!

I'd also like to wish you all the best for tomorrow. Good luck!! :)