Men or children?



Possibly this may be similiar to Lucidjen's post about guys using girls...

Why wld someone be so cruel to someone who wld have given them nothing less than everything they ever wanted? Why wld a guy take a girl's virginity and tell them "you might be special to me" and then treat them like crap later on. Then after several months, get angry at the girl for being upset about being used, and make her the bad person in all of it? Why? Why are people so cruel?

:tears: I cried today, and felt so fuck!ng little. No one in this whole world besides my father can make me feel this way. My entire life changed a year ago, and I broke. :/ What's next?
Aw, sorry to hear about that, some men are JERK!
Girls deserve to be trreated good...
Sometimes we all get to meet wrong people until we have found the right ones. ;)
jams I know who u talking abt and that guy was VERY wrong to treat u like shit like that BUT u know what, U got someone new in ur life, time for u to close that chapter and move on, life's to short to dwell. you lose some u win some, sex isn t ABT relationship communication is, and what he did was a nice ugly 180 on u and thats uncool he's not worth ur time or pateince! shut that door and open a new one :) keep thinking good thoughts ((((pinkster))))))
DirtyOldMan said:
Aw, sorry to hear about that, some men are JERK!
Girls deserve to be trreated good...
Sometimes we all get to meet wrong people until we have found the right ones. ;)
I agree... we're all jerks... :(
:grouphug: dang sorry to hear that Jamie :( u WILL find a guy whos good to u and treats u like a queen
VamPyroX said:
I agree... we're all jerks... :(
Oh yes? Are you telling me that your a jerk? :lol: Just kidding... but not all of men are that way, even some ladies are *thinking what's the word for it?*

Hey, no offense to everyone... I said some!

aw... Here's my HUG JAMS! i'm there for ya! smile.. remmy that you have a smile which it is cute.... sooo.. Where's ur cute smile :D
:hugs: :ily:
:grouphug: Everyone here is rallying around you -- giving you all the support you need! :thumb: Don't let that take you down! Keep your chin up and be proud and stand up for yourself.

I smile, for fear of losing my mind. I should be grateful that I have people to support me, and I am. But this is something I will probably never get over. :/

Yes, Desi, I have David, but right now he's busy with school and work - i've yet to talk to him since last week. Six months I've known him, and for that duration he's helped me through it all. And now with what Matthew has done, i broke again, and David is not here. I place dependency on another, and you know I vowed 4 years ago not to.

Men are not the enemy, they are not all bad, I am not jaded. :) I continue to remind myself of that. Until then, I hate just one. :ily: the rest