Member Signatures

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Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
I'm starting to notice that more and more members are using bigger and bigger images in their signatures. I'm going to have to start enforcing the rules and guidelines as stated in Forum Rules
3.) Participants using images as signatures and/or avatars are to use JPG or GIF format only. Only 1 image is allowed per signature, and must be 50KB or less in file size.

4.) Participants may not scroll unnecessarily. Scrolling can refer to the following:

a.) Excessive quoting
b.) Excessive smilies, pictures
c.) Marquee images, text (scrolling horizontally)
d.) Anything that is repetitious
I am going to be going through signatures and removing them if they are TOO big and contacting various members as well. If you see that your signature has been changed or removed, contact me through PM. If you see someone else's signature that I may have overlooked, feel free to contact me through PM.

The reason for this is so that the website can be easily accessible for our visitors and members. When signatures and images are too big, it makes the web pages more difficult to load and this isn't good for some of our members. Thanks for your time and understanding.

Vampyrox, AllDeaf Moderator

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