Meet My Gibson Les Paul Stinger :shock:


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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Ooh... that looks very nice!

That's the same design they used for Guitar Hero: World Tour. :)
Is this a new one, Alex? How many do you have now? Enough to start your own guitar store? :P Enjoy it in good health and rock on, dude!
Very nice :)... Its same one last year? or new one?
Very nice guitar. Sounds like ya got a lot more in your collections of Guitars. :)
WOW! NICE!!!!!!!! :) Beautiful!!! So enjoy play with it. So how many do you have already??? :hmm:
Nice! Give it a good riff!

Thinkin'. "Smoke in the water"

The song been stuck in my head all morning :giggle:
I've always loved the sound of the Les Pauls, playing with the bass an octave lower (drop D) gives it the Gn'R sound I'm crazy about! LOL
YES, PAH about it!!!!

I am glad that you did meet with Les Paul and somehow aboout the guitar. He would be realize about deaf musician can do it to play stuffs, etc. I am trying to find you since. I need to reply from you afterward. It important. Hope to hear from you real soon. Thank you very much, Kevin




I was keeping to find you since for several weeks. I understood that you have been busy. I sent you about play the deaf rock band by your ad. You did looking the rhythm section as such rhythm guitar, etc. I want to be play this position. I have been doing good play with. I am doing to set up with my webcam this week until all set soon. I will let you when best for you to view my skill. Please reply me that you read my message. Thank you for your time. Kevin
Pretty sweet instrument there. What kind of music do you play? Who are your influences?
Your guitar is really beautiful. It is a tiger wood, and it has to be a very expensive one. I wonder that you are going to be a famous singer. Do you play it at a local restaurant for your performance? :hmm:
one question............ whos a gibson les paul?

a gibson is a guitar and les paul is a type of guitar that gibson makes. The Les Paul was originally designed by ted mcarty i think and it was made for Les Paul some old pop guy bf wants a Les Paul but he has 2 Ibanez guitars instead.