McDonald's Employee Trashes The Restaurant After Being Fired (Video)


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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A new video of a man having a full blown melt down in a McDonald’s in Saint Paul, Minnesota, is making its way around the internet.

The video, which was uploaded by Abelaj50, features a McDonald’s employee destroying the restaurant's propery after being fired. He scattered trays, cups, straws, ketchup and broke glass.

Entitled ‘McDonald's Employee Gets Fired & Goes Crazy In St. Paul, MN,’ the video now has about 72,000 views. “Man, I don't know what is going on," one customer said to the camera.

The disgruntled man swore throughout the video, even when he was out of sight. “You treat me like s***, I get treated like s***!… B**** give me my f****** pay! I was nice to you b****!’"

Another employee told him, “You need to leave. Please, just leave.” After pushing over a metal container, the fired man replied “Shut the f*** up. Pay for that.”

Eventually the man left, taking his coat with him.

In a statement released through McDonald's Twin Cities Co-Op PR team, Courtney Henry, the owner and operator of that McDonald’s said, "We regret the personal dispute that unfolded in our restaurant between two of our employees.”

“The conduct shown in the video is unacceptable and we have taken appropriate action. The well-being of our customers and employees remains McDonald's top priority, and we apologize to our customers who were in the restaurant at that time."

No one in the video has been identified

Watch the video....
I suppose, that person must love McDonald's food. Perhaps brainwash?
Plain stupid, downright STUPID, that is why I don't even bother read or check the link cause Headline said it all.

To the eyes of most corporations across globe view reputation from McDonald's as one of most reliable source of one's work ethics. Screwing McDonald's only makes negative remarks permanent for the rest of one's work ethic history. What that means is if one is too stupid like this guy, McDonald's won't have issue put that stupid guy's name on negative list for the rest of corporations to see it.

This is why it is extremely important to depart any employer peacefully regardless how bad it was. Because leaving employer peacefully leaves employer no choice but just document as that person work from Date A to Date B for employment history verification purpose.

Anyway, that idiot sucker is going pay his price til bury, sad!
His resume will never look good from there.....
This is probably why the only job he could get was at McDonalds and why he may not have any job for a while....

He was so upset because he will miss sneaking burgers during his shift. lol
He didn't think of consequences. He will have a hard time to find another job. Of course, his last paycheck would be reduced due to the damage done by him. I don't want to be there in case he comes back for revenge. :Ohno:
He didn't think of consequences. He will have a hard time to find another job. Of course, his last paycheck would be reduced due to the damage done by him. I don't want to be there in case he comes back for revenge. :Ohno:

Reduced? Ha, more like get a bill cuz his pay won't cover it.....:lol:
That's just the damage we know of. I'm sure there's more than $100 worth of damage. least he took out his rage on the plastic utensils, mustard, ketchup, etc....probably would have been more "funny" if he got the manager in a "Head Lock"!...:lol: and yelling...."I wanted Fries with that"!
Wow! Looks like McDonald's can of worm just opened up all because of Facebook disclosures? Wow, McDonald's looking bad already.
FWIW, did you know that McDonnie's makes 75 million bucks a day world-wide....
Sure they made cool millions dollars bank bag daily, BUT that can change overnight, just saying.