May 15, 2003 about MOON!


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Mar 11, 2003
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Mark your calendars.

The moon on May 15th will be red around 9:40pm. What you will see is all the sun rises/sets from around the world refracting onto the moon. As the light bends around the earth the color of the sunset/sunrise is red. The light you see will bend at a angle that will make the moon appear red. It actually happens all the time but on the 15th the moon will be in a eclipse and we will actually see that gravity effects light.

Enjoy the moment with family and friends.

Ohhh, thanks for letting us know! I'll have my camcorder ready and capture it this Thursday! Thanks Mucho! :D
same as here, im exciting to see it ... but HOPE NO CLOUDS ON THAT NIGHT!!!!!! :D
cool... i think in NJ we might have some cloud because of rain :-\ so if u guys see it can u post pix here best as u can??
I thought a red sunset or red sunrise was depending on the weather considering the moisture in the clouds?

Btw, in Lord of the Rings: Twin Towers, someone said "It is the red sunrise and there has been blood drew the night before." Something like that? :dunno:
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Originally posted by Fly Free
is that time EST qq

The eclipse will begin rather undramatically when the Moon enters the faint outer portion, or penumbra, of the Earth's shadow about an hour before it begins moving into the umbra. The penumbral portion of the event is all but invisible to the eye until the Moon becomes deeply immersed in it. Sharp-eyed viewers may get their first glimpse of the penumbra as a faint "smudge" on the left part of the Moon's disk at or around 1:46 GMT (on May 16) which corresponds to 9:46 p.m. EDT on May 15, or 7:46 p.m. MDT.

The event becomes more remarkable when Moon begins to enter the Earth’s dark inner shadow (the umbra). A small scallop of darkness will begin to appear on the Moon's left edge at 2:03 GMT (on May 16) corresponding to 10:03 p.m. EDT (on May 15) or 8:03 p.m. MDT.

more infomation:
Originally posted by Wheel-Man
cool... i think in NJ we might have some cloud because of rain :-\ so if u guys see it can u post pix here best as u can??

sure, i will take a pix of moon for y'all to see it ... if i have no clouds here! :D
during day? if so then don't stare them, or you will get blind...get special dark glasses so you guys can watch or stare
Coolies! I can't wait to see it. Good thing it is not during my paper route. So I don't have to drive when it is happening!

I'm glad its at 9.40, not 7.40 'cos it doesn't get dark here in NJ until like 8.30.