Martha's Vineyard


New Member
Jun 29, 2003
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I wonder if any of you have heard the story about Martha's Vineyard.

For those who haven't, it's a place in America (I'm not too sure where) and the majority of the population were deaf (mostly genetically deaf I believe). It was known as a place for deaf people. I think it was an island as well.

I just wondered if any of you have heard of it. I was also curious if it's possible to make a place like that again, a place mainly for deaf people. I'm sure some of us have wondered about that at some stage! I know I've been curious about what it'd be like. :)

Hmm...imagine that...I'm a bloody Seppo, but had NO idea about that story, Ziggy! :Oops:
Never knew about it...well, it was an interesting thing to learn about. :) Thanks, mate!
Been to Martha's Vineyard. It is only a few miles off our coast. I know MV is a big vacation spot. Being so close, I would have thought I would have heard of alot of Deaf there. I can ask around and see.
Martha Vineyard is off from Cape Cod, Massachusetts. It is my favorite place for a vacation.

Yes, there is alot of history about Deaf Culture there. :D I advise you to go down there to visit that beautiful island.

If you have someone to give you a ride a boat around that Cape Cod. You will see Gay Island, where Kennedy's home is.

~should be leaving to doc but son wash my car haha~


good links Prostocks...

for this MV informations, years ago there was deaf people living there and neighbors, friends, family and everybody were using sign language for communication but it was fade away due of less deaf people nowdays in MV..

Summer time is very popular for tourist going there or seasonal vacations too.

~Can't wait till we move next summer~

Anyway, I would suggest for anybody to visit cape and Martha vineyard....

Kennedy not only lives at gay head in MV, but they have home in Hyannisport. Altho I have lives on Cape for years years!!

~now is ready to go!~
To add to this discussion, LAST deaf generation of Martha's Vineyard died in 1960s. So right now there is none left. I learned that from Deaf Heritage course at NTID.
I was thinking we should have a deaf city?? a place for deaf to hang out........I suggest around LV or south cali :)

usually if you want to go to a place with lots of deaf- find a place with a deaf institution

like Gally, Freemont H.S. for the Deaf, TSSD. etc.........
Originally posted by BabyPhat21
I was thinking we should have a deaf city?? a place for deaf to hang out........I suggest around LV or south cali :)

usually if you want to go to a place with lots of deaf- find a place with a deaf institution

like Gally, Freemont H.S. for the Deaf, TSSD. etc.........
Go to Washington DC Union Station and you will more likely find any deaf there... guarantee I mean it... I saw my cousin there whose I haven't seen for 7 years! Gallaudet will do though...