This is one of MANY conditions that people are diagnosed with every day that need assistance in operations. The only reason this is seeing public attention is because it happens to be in a region that is "amusing" or "disturbing" to the general public... whichever people may see it as. People are waiting for life saving operations every day that they can not afford in this country, sad as it may be. Children that are younger than 10 years old that need funds more than this man. I feel for his situation as I do for every person in a situation where they need a life saving procedure and are put in a medical predicament such as this, however there are so many more people ( kids ) that have disorders and diseases that could be cured with less costly operations that need assistance and could be saved with donations as well... they are no different. It aggravates and pi**es me off that people are so quick to focus on this simply because of the location of it... and bluntly, that's what it is... plain and simple, otherwise there would be an article up about a girl who needs a life saving bone marrow transplant or something like that. Again, I feel for the man... it must be god awful and terrible... but there are a lot of people that need assistance. There is another disease similar to this called elephantiasis that can affect the scrotum as well and has been documented to. This is yet another angle of the media and people gawking that makes me steer clear of watching the news.