Man Decapitated In Rescue Attempt


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
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Man Decapitated In Rescue Attempt

December 16, 2003, 7:42 AM EST

A construction worker was decapitated when co-workers tried to dig him out of a collapsed ditch with an excavating machine, officials said.

The 39-year-old man, whose name was not released, became trapped in the ditch Monday afternoon at the intersection of Taylor Street and DeGroot Place on Staten Island. Colleagues tried to free him and another trapped worker with a backhoe, accidentally severing the first man's head.

Workers had dug the 16-foot trench as a part of project to connect houses on Staten Island to a sewer line. Its walls collapsed after the two men went inside.

It had not yet been determined whether the man died because of the decapitation or when the trench's walls collapsed, said Paul Iannizzotto, a fire department spokesman.

The other worker, a 66-year-old man whose name was not released, was rescued after firefighters arrived at the scene and was taken to St. Vincent's Hospital with minor injuries, police said.

The Formica Construction Co. of Staten Island had been given a permit to dig the trench, according to Ilyse Fink, a spokeswoman for the city's building department. She said the company would be issued at least one violation, for failing to properly reinforce the trench's walls.,0,5995986.story?coll=ny-nynews-headlines

Boy... talk about getting killed while being helped! Eek!
holy crap! i'm sure it's company's fault for causing the wall to fall apart.. hope they get fined for that.
DeafSCUBA98 said:
holy crap! i'm sure it's company's fault for causing the wall to fall apart.. hope they get fined for that.

uhh thats the last of their worries...

hint: lawsuits
JEEZ LOUISE, u both are right, lawsuits will happen, and so will the fine, and so will the man in charge of the backhoe he plby was SO inexperinced and not well communicated in this situation, dad just saw that and said this and pointed out to me, said, and i quote" If there were men inside i would have never used the backhoe to clear the debris when the wall collapsed, since we do not know where exactly the men were trapped at, and lastly, i would have use the air jaws of life to raise whats left of the slab and slowly used by hand remove the debris and weather thier dead or alive would have used every precatious to save or rescued the men without having thier lives abruptly ended like this!*
Oh how tragic. What a way to have things happen like this. :( another thing...since we all are aware that the guy with the backhoe and what he did was an accident, yet a lot of different aspects and possibilities of why it happened.
Why he wasn't properly trained, and so forth....

Can't keep it 'simple' -- like letting it by as a sincere accident? Accidents truly do happen unexpected. There's no way accidents to be well predicted before it happens. Totally unintentional. You know what I'm trying to say here? :P
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Just imagine all the rescuers on the scene frantically doing all they can in order to save the lives of those two trapped...and ending up failing...can you imagine the anguishes and dashing hopes these rescuers had in mind. It sure would crush their feelings in a hard way knowing what their intentions and objectives were. As for the operator of the backhoe, I'm sure it wasn't easy to be able to see exactly where he was digging or watching whoever was giving him directions...and also it don't say if this occurred at daytime or at nighttime or whether anything about visibility on the site...but for those directly responsible for the accidental death...I'm sure we can't fathom exactly HOW they must be feeling but we sure can sympathize for their courageous efforts to save this man...yet, many will be looking AT the outcome of this and overlook the valiant efforts of rescuing. It is really sad to see how this has thoughts and prayers goes towards all who were on the scene and the man's family.
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