Making the perfect tunafish salad

The Joker

New Member
Aug 22, 2014
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Heres one rule. You must come up every vegtable that can go in tunafish salad. Onions,Pickles...And?
Nothing :)

I'm not a fan of tuna fish salad or tuna fish in general
Ditto. I used to love it but now I stopped eating.. UGHHHHH

...and I used to hate it, would not touch the stuff as a child growing up. Now I like it very much, one of my favorite sandwiches or salad, or even tuna noodle casserole.
Last time I had tuna salad, it was in a restaurant at a late lunch.

I got food poisoning. Never, ever eating tuna salad again!
Oh God, that'll do it! sorry that happened. Did you let them know?

No, it was actually at Panera, and I figured it wouldn't do any good. It was a busy day so we ate lunch like at 1:30, so I thought it's kind of like my rule of never eat anything with mayonnaise at a picnic, as it might have been sitting around.

Panera is one of my favorite places, but I think I will just stick with hot soup from now on. :lol:
Ditto. I used to love it but now I stopped eating.. UGHHHHH
that happens to me too.. I used to like mayo but not anymore- don't like it even on my sandwiches. Small doses like egg salad and sometimes sandwiches not slathered on.

Even as a kid growing up I hated tunasalad. Only time I did eat it was my mom's tuna noodle casserole (grudgingly). Now whenever I am either not hungry(sick) or am out around dinner time Mom makes tuna noodle casserole for her and Dad lol. I can always tell too :)