Main reason why people are unable to work...


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Apr 11, 2011
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One of my friends on Facebook had to cancel an interview because it was a 30 minute drive. Her Mom wouldn't let her take a job that is this far. Mom said that she should have a job that is like 15 minutes away.

Come on!!!! In the year of 2014, you cannot be picky on how far away from home you have to work from.

If I had a choice, I would work next door so that I won't have to go anywhere to work. I think that some people need a reality check. How many of you're able to get a job 15 minutes from where you live?

So maybe we should stop blaming people for being lazy? Time would be better spent giving some people a reality check.
From my over 40 years in the work force, the only time my job was within 15 minutes of my residence was when I was in the Navy and that's because I lived on base. Same for TCS. The only time his work place was less than 15 minutes away was when he was on a ship or base--he lived in his work place.

I've commuted to work on foot, by bike, by bus, by cab and by car (not always a reliable car at that).
Does your friend have bus service?...My son once found a job on the other side of town....and he had no car...and would take him around an hour or more to get to the job site early AM via Bus.....he didn't want to take the Bus...and I sure as h*** did not want to drive him there 5 days a week, in the rush hour traffic, bumper to bumper....

He finally got a job closer to home and now has moved out...Independent.

Feel it's best if you don't have a car, then use public transportation. Many parents have jobs to...and when I was young, I took the city bus back and forth to work.
Does your friend have bus service?...My son once found a job on the other side of town....and he had no car...and would take him around an hour or more to get to the job site early AM via Bus.....he didn't want to take the Bus...and I sure as h*** did not want to drive him there 5 days a week, in the rush hour traffic, bumper to bumper....

He finally got a job closer to home and now has moved out...Independent.

Feel it's best if you don't have a car, then use public transportation. Many parents have jobs to...and when I was young, I took the city bus back and forth to work.

We do not have a city bus service. Small community of around 14,000 - 15,000. There is one service that I don't know the details of without doing a good deal of looking up where you have to call at least the day before. I did not check out everything but here is their web site:
well - how old is this freind? if over 18 and finished HS then that is bad of mom to be still that controlling over her. she will never be happy.
Most of my jobs were 30 mins to 60 mins away. I even had to drive to other cities to take care of customers and I was putting 2000 to 4000 business miles a month, not including personal mileage like store, picking up/dropping off kids etc.

If your freind lives with her mother rent free and has no car - it kinda hard to tell her mom to take it and shove it just to be able to work. she probably at her mom's mercy- but she gotta start somewhere. Can she drive? whats problem with carpooling, borrowing car till she makes enough for a car?
Why would one blame the mom for refusing to drive 30 minutes. Its 1 hour roundtrip one way making it 2 hours everytime her daughter wants go work

30 min drop off
30 min get back home

30 min drive there to pick up
30 min back home

2 hours out of moms day.

If one wants to be responsible adult do not depend on someone for transportation. Use public tranist or move to area where public transportation is availaable if cannot drive self.

2 hours is a big freaking deal to some people
That friend has no car, but she lives on her own. I believe that she pays her own rent. She is well over 18 years old.
A fifteen minute hop to work? I wish! :lol: Are they small town folks who just moved to the city? In today's commuting world, any potential job location can be reasonably located anywhere in a metropolitan area, not necessarily within their own neighborhood anymore. My drive takes about 27 minutes, and that's on a good day, occasionally as long as 45 minutes. Your friend definitely will have difficulty finding a job restricting herself to a closer location.
That friend has no car, but she lives on her own. I believe that she pays her own rent. She is well over 18 years old.

Then whats the problem? If she living on her own pays her own rent then how is she getting around to the docs the food store errands and what not.
What is the main reason people are unable to work? What was the point of the thread im sorry to have missed the point.
I personally think that if a person lives on their own and pay rent, it's not right for parents to tell kids to not go in for an interview because it too far away. They are adults. They should be able to decide how to get there. You know practice independent living skills. They should be able to swim or drown with their own decisions. Don't let anyone tell you to not do this or that.

I believe they have been in the area for awhile.
I personally think that if a person lives on their own and pay rent, it's not right for parents to tell kids to not go in for an interview because it too far away. They are adults. They should be able to decide how to get there. You know practice independent living skills. They should be able to swim or drown with their own decisions. Don't let anyone tell you to not do this or that.

I believe they have been in the area for awhile.

Yep. Agreed.

But didnt u say the mom had to drive her daughter to workplace ? Thats when mom has every right to decide as its the moms time involved. If mom was not driving then mom has no say in this. Its 2 hours everytime need ride mom has every right to say heck no way. Sorry but if the daughter has no transportation no means to get there she will not be hired. Jobs will ask how r u going to get to work everyday its irresponsible to get a job without steady means of transportation
I personally think that if a person lives on their own and pay rent, it's not right for parents to tell kids to not go in for an interview because it too far away. They are adults. They should be able to decide how to get there. You know practice independent living skills. They should be able to swim or drown with their own decisions. Don't let anyone tell you to not do this or that.

I believe they have been in the area for awhile.

Believe it's common sense, Derek...your friend has no car...and no bus service?...and wants a job far away?....How does she expect to get there...and back and forth if she gets the job?...She could move closer to that job is she got it, tho'.

And since she lives on her own, over 18 and pays her own rent...she does not need to ask her parents for anything...just feel she asked them for "advise" and they told her/gave her their advise...Its up to her whether to take it or not....but to expect her Parents to take her back and forth to work every day (a long distance) way!....Some parents will, some won't...some Parents work too...and maybe their Car is not that reliable... many reasons....
Thats 2 hours of time and gas and wear and tear on the car for whoever she expects to drive her. Did she offer to reimburse them for that?
hmm either she is still attached to mommy or she is very passive and listens to everything what her mom says. If you are dating her -- RUN!!!! nothing is worse then MIL giving hissy fit over your decision ..... just saying.
That friend has no car, but she lives on her own. I believe that she pays her own rent. She is well over 18 years old.

So why is her mom still telling her what to do? Your friend was lucky to get a job interview and she should had ask her mom if she would pay for her rent if she can't find job that made her happy. I know of people traveling to other states to for their jobs. You have to go where the jobs are today .
As someone who has worn completely slam out a small mountain of heavy duty work clothes, boots, cars, trucks, and last but not least my ownself there is a lot to be said for a job close to home. In fact a job right at home.
Of course I would not have a home if I had not of done all that.