Mac Now supports Window


Active Member
Jun 30, 2006
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its easy to install win in apple
nothing new about it
geeks and enthusiasts have done it for years...i havent but as an ex comp tech Im fairly sure its not hard to do, wipe out hdd, format to a m$ type <NTFS or fat32 if you wanna go retro to 32bits OSs) and since i havent done it before if im wrong then chances are it'd be done with a utility program like, or but then newer machines with UFEs.. (thoe newer type of firmware based bios type interaction apparatus) might make it more tricky but like i said im an ex-comp hobbyist, i wouldnt know what's 'in now' but say have few $$ laying around and if i want to experiment and do it, it'd probably be a few days homework (google computer forums and such, then nail it) easy is it right NOW on the very latest Airbook mac I dunno, honesty,,,,but im 95% sure its do-able if you knew how

CPUs, rams are all the same, even HDDs, its the formats and UFEs thats might make it bit more challenging
i arent gonna try, cus 2 reason, no $$ and no time , I've developed other interess, like I am more interested in house and garden and dogs...
I have no dough to buy a Mac laptop because they cost too much, although I wouldn't mind having one sometime in the future.
I have no dough to buy a Mac laptop because they cost too much, although I wouldn't mind having one sometime in the future.

You must understand about hardware for performance/price ratio.
M$'s OS is so expensive than Apple's OS.

Tom's Hardware says Apple and PC prices are equivalent | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Too many of my friends/customers pc laptop died after 1-3 years. And very very rare to see Apple for issue.


Buy a brand new PC laptop for $599, 1.5 years later died then buy another buy a brand new pc laptop for $599 then 2 years later, not happy with it due SLOW for HD video, then buy a brand new powerful pc laptop for $700.

Total $1898 for 5.5 years.

My wife bought Macbook Air for $1,799 and works great for 6 years.
Sad, most of my friends were not happy with their 3-5 years old due LAG for VRS/VP and My Macbook ($1,299 and 7 years old) works smooth for VR/VP.

you get what you pay for.

Plus Apple got powerful GPU/CPU and great battery life like 7-10 hours. Too many brand new PC laptop still get 4-6 hours of battery life. Nothing news.
You must understand about hardware for performance/price ratio.
M$'s OS is so expensive than Apple's OS.

Tom's Hardware says Apple and PC prices are equivalent | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Too many of my friends/customers pc laptop died after 1-3 years. And very very rare to see Apple for issue.


Buy a brand new PC laptop for $599, 1.5 years later died then buy another buy a brand new pc laptop for $599 then 2 years later, not happy with it due SLOW for HD video, then buy a brand new powerful pc laptop for $700.

Total $1898 for 5.5 years.

My wife bought Macbook Air for $1,799 and works great for 6 years.
Sad, most of my friends were not happy with their 3-5 years old due LAG for VRS/VP and My Macbook ($1,299 and 7 years old) works smooth for VR/VP.

you get what you pay for.

Plus Apple got powerful GPU/CPU and great battery life like 7-10 hours. Too many brand new PC laptop still get 4-6 hours of battery life. Nothing news.

My laptop is a 2009 model, and after doing some upgrading and some installation, it now runs much better than when I got it (it was given to me by a friend), and I try to take good care of it.
1.6 Ghz? It would not great for HD video or HD webcam. Just saying.

For Z5, it's not, but I discovered that if I set my ntouch PC at 512 kbps, it'll run fairly smooth for the most part. As for Purple and Convo, as well as Z5, well, those are better served on my Asus tablet I'm typing this on.
For Z5, it's not, but I discovered that if I set my ntouch PC at 512 kbps, it'll run fairly smooth for the most part. As for Purple and Convo, as well as Z5, well, those are better served on my Asus tablet I'm typing this on.

Believe or not, My Macbook from around 2006 and works great for Z5. No kidding. Yep, I still use it.
You can install windows on an apple and Mac OS on a Windows PC :)

Same hardware

Say that again? I could install Mac OS on my Windows laptop? You caught my attention. Do tell me how that works, please.
Installing Windows on a Mac is very easy and supported by Apple.
Installing Mac OS on an PC is difficult because Apple does not want it. It 'violates the EULA' which doesn't really mean anything legally.

Mac OS must recognize a chip in the motherboard to be installed on a PC. There are ways around it. There is also the issue of drivers and there are many people who write drivers for PC hardware that isn't used in Macs.

This is not something I would recommend as a project for someone not familiar or enthusiastic about software and hardware.
OSx86 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's also not that difficult of a project.