

New Member
Feb 27, 2003
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Tell me what plants do you think the life suppose be like?

Mercury ~ lava fellow are strong, like to eat rocks
Venus ~ I bet it's full of pothead in there, maybe weed-lover would enjoy live there. :mrgreen:
Earth ~ human are going to put some damages on this planets.
Mars ~ no alien, but i bet there is some strange bugs that live near to ice caps in north and south poles.
Jupiter ~ maybe Yoda live there? *shurg* I hope so!
Saturn ~ Since there is wind in there, suppose there is kind alien that float around there in air??
Uranus ~ Could it be full of crackhead live there?
Neptune ~ I believe it's whole ocean in the world. Maybe mermaid exist there! I would like to cum over her eggs to have babies. :o
Pluto ~ it's damn freeze, I wonder what hell living thing can take poopoo or peepee out from their holes?
Maybe we should move this thread to Jokes/Funny Stories forum, since almost all posters in here are laughing. Hmm?