Loved Working


Active Member
Mar 6, 2003
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A female missionary who worked with Deaf returned home. She gave her "missionary report" to the congregation. In the audience were some of the male missionaries she knew from her mission. The males missionaries were called Elders. These Elders were deaf.

Because she worked somewhat with the deaf elders and learned some sign language on her mission she decided to sign part of her talk.
She thought she had signed "I really loved 'working' with the Deaf Elders."

The former Elders in the audience burst out laughing
She was embarrassed a bit but finished her talk--then went down to the elders to confront them as to why they laughed.

They explained the sign she used was similar to work but actually meant "make out" (as in necking).

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: She got :Owned:! :laugh2: Damn!
:laugh2: DEFINATELY got owned!!!!! hahaha this one is also new ive not seen this joke before :thumb: this should be 1 of the classics!! hahaha