(LOS ANGELES) Fox Channel has no CC


New Member
Jul 18, 2006
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I am not very happy with (Los Angeles) Fox Channel because they turned off Open Captions many times I missed my favorite show "24" on Fox because of that I ain't sit down on sofa and try to read lips that waste my times. CC have been turn off for days too. My CC are on and others channel has CC on except Fox.

Is there anything I can do about it? I would like do something about it. I am tired of asking someone to call Fox and tell them turn on CC many time. What wrong with Fox Channel!
I have Fox 11 (LA) on now and it is captioned.

Why don't you call KTTV and speak to someone about it. I am sure they will look into it and make sure it doesn't happen again.
I have Fox 11 (LA) on now and it is captioned.

Why don't you call KTTV and speak to someone about it. I am sure they will look into it and make sure it doesn't happen again.

I guess they finally turned on CC few min ago. Because eariler this morning it didn't have CC I am checking Fox now. This happen so many times.
I have Fox 11 (LA) on now and it is captioned.

Why don't you call KTTV and speak to someone about it. I am sure they will look into it and make sure it doesn't happen again.

Hey! I just check 11 Fox Channel and it still not show CC. I check other TV in my house and it not show CC too. Other Channels show CC.