Looking to connect with Deaf Transfolk


New Member
Sep 5, 2010
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I'm a transgender Deaf ally. I'm currently taking an ASL course and I'm doing a research paper on being a Deaf Transperson in the Queer Community. If you are Deaf and identitfy as somewhere on the transgender spectrum even genderqueer I'd love to connect with you. Thank you.


(I hope I didn't offend anyone on here by posting even though I am not in the Deaf community I am a ally though and want to learn as much as I can)

I'm a transgender Deaf ally. I'm currently taking an ASL course and I'm doing a research paper on being a Deaf Transperson in the Queer Community. If you are Deaf and identitfy as somewhere on the transgender spectrum even genderqueer I'd love to connect with you. Thank you.


(I hope I didn't offend anyone on here by posting even though I am not in the Deaf community I am a ally though and want to learn as much as I can)

Hi Samson,

Sorry for late response to you.... My wife and i are deaf and transgendered. There is a group called TransDeaf in Yahoo....

TransDeaf : DEAF Transgender Support and Contact

Tell Alex (the owner of TransDeaf) that I (Mikel) sent to you....

Hope to see you then.... =O)


I'm a transgender Deaf ally. I'm currently taking an ASL course and I'm doing a research paper on being a Deaf Transperson in the Queer Community. If you are Deaf and identitfy as somewhere on the transgender spectrum even genderqueer I'd love to connect with you. Thank you.


(I hope I didn't offend anyone on here by posting even though I am not in the Deaf community I am a ally though and want to learn as much as I can)


I am deaf transwoman. I dont know if that is what you are looking for?

It it just me or does anyone find it weird that a hearing person who does not even know ASL but is taking a class comes to a Deaf forum seeking TG TV Deaf and does not even identify themselves as if they are TG TV... Just makes me think of the Deaf Fetishists website.. I do have one friend who it TG and know some others online and it seems that there is a lot of people who have a TG TV fetish and contact, post / pm them with an obscene amount of indecent proposals and comments...

As for the other responses, its neat to see there are TG Deaf folk. I think it must be extremely hard being TG Deaf due to the lack of support and services available for Deaf specifically. Glad you all were able to find true self...