Looking for powerful headphone (up to 120db)


New Member
Aug 7, 2005
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Hello folks,

I am looking for powerful headphone for several/profound hearing loss (80 to 110 db) which can be used for audiometer system. With web search, I found that most headphones are not enough powerful (up to 80 db only).

I can't hear anything except some loud like dog barks, motorcycle, train horn, siren (pass by), etc.

Does anyone able find powerful headphone that produces up to 120 db?

Sorry I'm not with you. I don't think that headphones can by themselves amplify sounds. Only a hearing aid or a CI can do that and then you would attach headphones to devices so as to hear sounds without outside interference. At least that's what I think they are there for.
Sorry I'm not with you. I don't think that headphones can by themselves amplify sounds. Only a hearing aid or a CI can do that and then you would attach headphones to devices so as to hear sounds without outside interference. At least that's what I think they are there for.

I think you'd need to special order headphones that work with HAs. I'm hoping that with the new software that I downloaded for my Mac, I'l finally be able to get iTunes to recogize my iPod so I can download songs into my iPod and I can bring my special headphones for my CI which don't look anything any headphones you ever on the market. It will be a great help when I wait for my new mappings and my refills and doctor appoinments.
the most high is 104 dB, can be found in most electronic store.

however, there is deaf store that offer up to 120 db, and that headset look ridiculous!
TV Ears 2 Headset
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