Looking for other deaf families in Kentucky


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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I have only known for about a year that my youngest daughter is HOH. Well some consider her deaf....I'm not entirely sure how all that works.
Anyway, we have been learning sign language and I am just trying to find someone to relate with. My daughter uses mostly ASL she does speak.....very little. I think I am one of the only people that can even understand her when she does speak.
I have not met many deaf people in my town..one actually. I would like to make friends with someone deaf.
Heya there and welcome to the site.

This place is like your local pub kind of, or starbucks actually is a better word. Since some of us don't drink alcohol :lol:. It's pretty chatty if you join in with us, I can introduce you to a few people if you'd like.

Some questions for ya:

How long have you been around in Kentucky? Whereabouts?

How old is your daughter?

We have a few members in Kentucky, interestingly enough. Perhaps she may come to greet you in this thread as well .
Hello, first of all - Welcome to AllDeaf! :)

There are a lot of deaf families around here in Kentucky but they are also scattered across the state.

If you would like, I could introduce you to some people that I know of (depending on where you are at in Kentucky).

There are some wonderful resources around here to put to a good use as well. If you would like to know where the deaf events/gathering are going to be at, I could also help and let you know about this too. ;)

I'm also a deaf mother to 2 deaf boys.

If you are nearby Lexington, KY - They usually have a social gathering on every 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at Fayette Mall.

If I remember correctly, They also do have a Deaf Coffee Chat at Starbucks in Newport, KY (which is nearby Cincinnati, Ohio) on every first Friday of each month.

If you are in the western part of this state, Bowling Green and Owensboro usually have a get-a-together kind of thing from time to time.

In all - I hope this will find you helpful and if there's anything else - I'll be glad to help and find information, etc.

Again, Welcome Aboard! :)
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around. :wave:
I don't know

My daughter is 2 this Saturday. I am near Lexington. I am just wondering also...to those people that have deaf children.....are all deaf children stubborn and aggressive? I don't know if it is just because we have a lack of communication or not. My other children are twins and they together are as temperamental as she is.
Lexington info

I moved from Lexington last summer. Here's a link for one Deaf church in Lexington.


If you are nearby Lexington, KY - They usually have a social gathering on every 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at Fayette Mall.

This is at the food court from 6-9pm and then a few folks may go to a nearby restaurant.
More info

EKU in Richmond and Bluegrass Comm College in Lexington both offer ASL classes. Here's some info for them:

Lexington Community College
Cooper Dr
Lexington, KY 40506

General Information: (859) 257 - 4872
Financial Aid Office: (859) 257 - 4872 ext. 4193
Admissions Office: (859) 257 - 4872 ext. 4192


Eastern Kentucky University

*Interpreting Training Program

Welcome to AD and good luck with your daughter. Kids can be a challenge.
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