Looking for a skilled lipreader\interpreter.


New Member
Oct 16, 2004
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I was just wondering if anyone be able to assist me in understanding some words. The group Radiohead has a cryptic music video that has been the source of much agitation for fans of the band (almost 10 years). In this video a scene plays through out the video, subtitles are used. The video is for a song called 'Just' perhaps you know of it. Intentionally the subtitles are removed right at the very end when the guy finally reveals all. But there is a close up of part of what he is saying, anyone/s who may be able shed some light will be eternally honoured. Please!!!!!!!

Thanks in advance

PS I am presently trying to get a copy of this video.
Oh come on! it would take but 2minutes of your time. The radiohead community NEEDS you.
Maybe, no one has anything to say or doesn't know what you're talking about.
VamPyroX said:
Maybe, no one has anything to say or doesn't know what you're talking about.
You're right; I have no clue what Powerfish is talking about. :dunno:
TheSpirit said:
He's asking if someone can lipread what the guy saying at end of music video. :o
Hmmm....if this is truly a weird "cryptic" video, it is entirely possible that the singer doesn't even say anything "real". If might not even be actual words; the intention might be to have no real meaning.

I am not familiar with Radiohead or "Just", so I don't know what is considered the norm for their productions, but that is one possibility. The whole point might be: keep the fans guessing, ha, ha, I never said anything at all, ha, ha.

Like abstract art. Sometimes it represents "something", sometimes it is just a mood or feeling, and represents no object.
You are absolutely correct. They have sworn total secrecy. It is meant to really wear on you (not knowing). the thing is you guys can all benefit from watching because it is all subtitled (and i think they are really saying what is being subtitled)

this is the short version. they draw you in more than i do.
this 'story' plays while the song is being sung (the 2 are rather unrelated)

ok there's a guy lying in the street. he's not injured or anything. another guy walks over and asks 'are you alright' 'are you hurt' and he gets angry and says no and leave me alone. and contiues lying there. the scene builds as more people begin to crowd around and they are all trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with this guy. he says that he can't tell anyone why he is lying there because something bad will happen. finally an officer gets involved and the whole crowd forces him to spill the beans. which he does (and ofcourse you get a good shot of his lips saying something). when he is done everyone get a scared look on their faces and they all begin to collapse. as the camera zooms out they make it seem like it's spreading across the world.

sorry i understand this is really off the cuff for most of you, but i really looked quite hard and it seems no one has ever tried this.

ofcourse once someone does figure it out, i would like to ask everyone reading this post to submit a poll to decide what to do with the information.
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Tell me where to view this and I will give it a shot I have been lipreading for over thirty years and am considered quite good.
Sorry I've been really busy lately (it's been hell) but I'm back.

That's awesome, I've been looking for it and I have almost all of it on .mpg (except for the moment of truth) but if i get the rest, can i email it to you perhaps?

BTW you rock :bowdown:
i understand.

out cast, down trodded, laguishing on the bottom of the pile, ignored, abused,

This reminds me of an old Seinfeld episode where Jerry is dating a deaf Tennis player who can lipread. She ends up becoming a party trick so George can tell what some girl is saying behind his back (or across the room) at a party. Rather funny episode but could be taken offensively as the skills in lip reading are a means of communication and not some party trick. The same may apply here.
Oh yes I understand that entirely. I wouldn't want that sort of thing to come across at all. Ofcourse lipreading seems very cool, dare I say magical to us untalented members of mainstream society. I would like to emphasize how huge this favour is to me. Questions has essentially hung unanswered for about 10 years. So much so that mentioning the 'Just' video in a forum is the ultimate faux pas. By no means am asking for a trivial favor even if it seems that way. I do understand your point but I am peeved only because roundtuit said he would do.
newbies these days.