Look at bodybuilding!


The Master Poker
Premium Member
Mar 8, 2003
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ROFL! Here this post:

Can you this? lol


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He is so Ugly!!! Too big and not look good Muscle!!! EEWWWW

Gagggggging at him!

Any ladies want him, Go for it!

I am taken and with DF
That bodybuilder had the implant surgery. That is only logic... I attend at health gym myself for weightlifting as well and I heard some bodybuilders had some kind of implant surgery(ies) to increase their so-called mass. It is virtually impossible to build the muscles like that without artificial implanting or hormones.

I believe Taylor would agree with me... but maybe I am wrong. Anyway, to develop the muscles is always, always good sign but not that kind of muscles..
Magatsu said:
That bodybuilder had the implant surgery. That is only logic... I attend at health gym myself for weightlifting as well and I heard some bodybuilders had some kind of implant surgery(ies) to increase their so-called mass. It is virtually impossible to build the muscles like that without artificial implanting or hormones.

I believe Taylor would agree with me... but maybe I am wrong. Anyway, to develop the muscles is always, always good sign but not that kind of muscles..

I honestly can't say about implants, but I do know a guy who is very well known in the bodybuilding industry (working with bodybuilders and their diets)
I won't post any of his clients for privacy reasons, but there are a lot of guys that look like :

Bodybuilding has also taken off in the womens world...It isn't just a mens sport anymore as it used to be:


Personally, I don't care for the sport a whole lot (seems a little extreme to me) but the people I talk to that are in it really seem to enjoy it.
That bodybuilders you posted didn't show any odd shapes or whatever it called... But that bodybuilder picture in first post shows something different from normal. When you are relax, muscles normally go limp, not 'half-ball' like in first post of this topic.

Taylor, I met several professional bodybuilders as well at gym who looked like the picture you posted but I did met some bodybuilders who had some implant surgeries like.. calves to make it 'look good' or match with their extremely muscular bodies.

I never want to be like these... but I would like to increase several good weights and recieve decent gains. I was guessing that you would know due to your currently profession.
I dont mind increasing a good looking muscular but not like those guys... imagine if you kept too musuclar like one of those guys in the pic and by the time you get old, you'll have fun stretching the skins...
Magatsu said:
That bodybuilders you posted didn't show any odd shapes or whatever it called... But that bodybuilder picture in first post shows something different from normal. When you are relax, muscles normally go limp, not 'half-ball' like in first post of this topic.

Taylor, I met several professional bodybuilders as well at gym who looked like the picture you posted but I did met some bodybuilders who had some implant surgeries like.. calves to make it 'look good' or match with their extremely muscular bodies.

I never want to be like these... but I would like to increase several good weights and recieve decent gains. I was guessing that you would know due to your currently profession.

I'm not familiar with the implants, but you are right...something is definately amiss in those first pictures. I wouldn't be surprised if they had implants as they have implants for everything else. I did a search for 'muscle implants' and got more boobs than you can shake a stick at but nothing in regards to bodybuilders. I did find some for Calves and Pecs but not much more. Could be that I didn't look deep enough.
Magatsu said:
Taylor, ah I found it thru your link: http://umanitoba.fitdv.com/new/articles/article.html?artid=52

Never give any thought about using 'Bodybuilder implants' words in google.. I tried 'muscle implants' as you did recent and nothing comes up. Anyway, thanks for the link and right words!

Plenty came up...just not what I was looking for. I thought it had to be in there somewhere...You know how google is sometimes. It works to well at times.
that guy does not look normal! yikes, i would run for my life to stay away from him!
That's really gross... It looks like they got biggest viruses in their body that got out of control. Perhaps, they were cooked in a big stove.
webexplorer said:
That's really gross... It looks like they got biggest viruses in their body that got out of control. Perhaps, they were cooked in a big stove.

hahaha! much agreed with you.. :rofl:
Whoa! This is a tad extreme!

Working out is great but this is too much for a human eye to take. *covering eyes*

I used to date a very serious bodybuilder and all he cared about working out and eating protein. He refused to eat any carbs and took a lot of sterioids. Talk about him being aggressive and angry!!! He had these unpredictable moods so I never knew what was coming.