

New Member
Aug 17, 2024
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I try sooooo hard to "hear". I swear my brain is on over drive. My hearing aid is up as loud as it will go. My attention is 120% on the person speaking. I've got live transcribe as my fail safe. And then when I don't get what the person says and they tell me they wish I would listen ....
.... Hahaha ahhhh helllll to the NAH!!!! I WISH I HAD THAT LUXURY. #CantTryAnyHarder #BiteMe #TheyWouldntLastADay #TryNotMumblingForStartersCuzEvenMyPhoneDoesntUnderstandYou
it would be nice to see everyone on this planet use sign language, that would be so convenient for deaf people
Yeah, most hearing people are clueless at how much effort we put in to accommodate them and most are not willing to do anything to meet us part way on their end.

Stopped using HAs years ago but should have given up on that sooner because it was so exhausting. They are useless to me now anyway.
I try sooooo hard to "hear". I swear my brain is on over drive. My hearing aid is up as loud as it will go. My attention is 120% on the person speaking. I've got live transcribe as my fail safe. And then when I don't get what the person says and they tell me they wish I would listen ....
.... Hahaha ahhhh helllll to the NAH!!!! I WISH I HAD THAT LUXURY. #CantTryAnyHarder #BiteMe #TheyWouldntLastADay #TryNotMumblingForStartersCuzEvenMyPhoneDoesntUnderstandYou
Yah, I had sever neck pain for couple years before I noticed it was from staring to hear, trying to quit hearing has been a long process and my neck pain has mostly gone away