Lip reading...


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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So after watching Sue Thomas, FB Eye, I was wondering whether or not it is REALLY possible to be able to read lips like it's suggested in the movie.

Most of my life I am self-taught lip reader, and with proper training I would probably improve greatly in English but I have my doubts.
Is it rerally possible to be able to repeat word in word?

Does anyone here have this wonderful ability?
I think if it is at all possible it is then some kind of talent.
meaning that everyone of us can lip read but only a few talented can do it to the extend of certifiably translating texts for FBI and the likes..


i slowlly went deaf...and my lip reading slowly went up. my self and other people were aproched by the fbi to read lips of a suspect in a restraunt and other places.
the people were arrested due to the info i picked up by lip reading from a mirror.another was picked up due to my pal lip reading though a snipers scope!!! that was cool!
i can read lips from the side if i know the people for more than a few days....

i met sean connery(007) a few years ago ,after he had throat surgery and could not use his voice. he was writing on a pad a nd people were writing back!! he mouthed " stupid assholes!" i just cracked up!!! so i helped him out for a an hour or so. he was so happy to be free from writing ..even for an hour!!!
Sue Thomas is based on the real ST who did work for the FBI and Did read lips incredible well along with the actress who plays her, Deanna Bray she is a wonderful lip reader and has a very good speaking voice.