Line Too Long?


If You Know What I Mean
Premium Member
Apr 27, 2007
Reaction score
line too long? have a seat!

Haha, if you don't mind walking around a public place in bare feet, that's brilliant!
hahaha...very creative!
This is pretty brilliant. Better than six flags deli-ticket system!

Except in NY it gets too cold and wet for that all year round.
What's that smell.?...guessing it's a good idea....because I truely detest "line jumpers"...Got into a fight with one several years ago...:giggle:

Then again, with all those shoes lined up...and if someone gets tired of waiting and sees a very nice pair of shoes sitting there...might get grabbed and they're out the door....:roll:
Wirelessly posted

Journey said:
Haha, if you don't mind walking around a public place in bare feet, that's brilliant!

Walking around bare feet is not the issue I would have. It is the smell of the shoes. Some peoples' shoes are Peee yewww!!
These people needs to shop at the local Wal-Mart in my area. Damn people always cuts in the line!