Life of Gardening?


New Member
Apr 24, 2003
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I just want to share with you guys .. that I have garden in backyard.. it used to be nice and roomy...

only I simple planted 4 pumpkin seeds.... and sunflowers along on the side of shed...

BOOOOOOM!!!! look that... pumpkin swarmed and took whole garden over... the leaves are huge.. finally the pumpkin melons grew..

even it grew on fences and about 4 new pumpkin melons...

I found "twins" pumpkin melons share one spur spout... but looks like bull's balls lol ..

Yeah.... Pumpkin loves taken over other property or flowerbed gone.... It's swarming all over..

Where can I see beautiful flowerbed?? *gone* (mumbling) Never again planted pumpkin on my garden.. Prefer seprate far away distance from flowerbed... (chuckles)

My children really loves kept eye on pumpkin grow grow...... each days...
Beautiful garden you got.. I got my garden too, and I only grow zucchini, butternut squash and Yellow neck squash and cucumbers and green peppers.
All of them are gone and I still have the butternut squashes growing right now.
We have a garden in raised beds over at our "Funny Farm" in Washington State. I did not plant much this year, burned out. We did have a lovely crop of broccoli tho, which we ate raw with dip.

Now we are eating fresh pole beans. Zukes (the yellow and the green crossed, my husband planted them too close together!), butternut squash -- and we have one raised bed full of rhubarb.

I used to plant alot of lettuce but most of it went to waste, we could not eat it fast enough!

Next year I am going to try something different.
RebelGirl said:
Beautiful garden you got there!

I don't even know how to garden.. :Oops:
awwww if u have own land then i will teach u how.. not worry! :mrgreen:
:shock: OMG!!!!! it definately has GROWN since the last time Coolie and i were there visiting!!!!!!
Looks awesome, MsGiglz! My dad always had garden growing vegetables when I was growing up. He would grow tomatoes, lima beans, watermelons, canteloupes, peppers, etc...

My SO has a yard, and he planned most of it to be a Japanese style garden, complete with a red bridge, rocks, fish pond and lanterns. On one side of the yard is all mine, and I am working on a long term project to combine a fusion between xeriscape perennial garden and desert garden with cacti and grass. It's starting to shape up but will be a while before I finally finish it at last. A plant or two will have to stay in containers and be brought inside the house whenever it's cold. Such example is agave victoriasis. I need to go to Kaysville where they have a cacti garden nursery, and get some of the cold hardy cacti and agaves soon. It won't be long before its fall again!

We don't grow any vegetables, though maybe next year we should. We do have a herb garden on the side of the house, which grows mint, celery leaves, chives, dill, etc... In my perennial, I have also included rosemary and lavender. Smells heavily!

Now that stores are finally selling fall bulbs, I definitely am going to look through them and get some to plant into my perennial garden!

Here is webpage for my gardening, though it only has two pages. I plan to work more on it soon though!
kuifje75!!! i am so jealous hehe.. I am trying to work through my garden.. but at first.. it was so weedy.. had to hire next door guy to do culvter.. cuz of bushes and some baby tree grew in there.. neighbors said that previous owner gave up gardening for 3 years.. no wonder.. but it has ALOT of chives.. by the way, your dad and my dad are the same... my dad is avivd garden and very neat.. he pulled weeds every single days.. but how the heck he kept the garden in order and neatness espically with pumpkins.. (stratching head).. will ask mom if she remembers.. (my dad passed on back in 1988)

so since the pumpkins grew and sunflower grew so good, means we have good soil.. so i can draw up to make gardening for next spring..

Yeah FlyFree & Coolie.. come out again and stop by.. you will DROP your jaws.. maybe losing your head.. lol ..

Bullymom, yes.. I learned my lesson but i have great idea since pumpkin have been grow and swarming.. i plan to plant seeds next year behind that shed.. cuz it has messy bushes there.. it will be a great cover up lol..

I will update the pics.. of the pumpkins.. how they are go well.. I think they are late cuz they are not even orange yet.. I noticed stores already selling pumpkins .. geez..
in 2002 ... i bought 2 case of tomatoes plants as Grape-Cherry Tomato size... so i put them by the window which inside of kitchen!!! .. it grew up so fast in 2 months.. so i puzzled.. how it happened like 8 feet tall , i was like eh.. whoa.. over 1,000 tomato cherries everywhere.. dropped on the floor, geez.. so i picked them up , put them in strainer... i puzzled and figured out.. hmm.. Look at my dad which he used to be my next door of apt .. so he did put GLO-MIRACLE Plant Feed in my tomatoes.. Grrrrrr... .LOL.... i wish i have own garden like yours!!! i hope one day i can find a place to live which allowed to do gardening then Great!!!!!!

aww i do missed garden, had that 2 years ago, been planted pretty alots, tomoates, green pepper, onion, hot pepper, pumpkin, etc. I been use canned homemade salsa, oh yummy its taste best than store! Even my families and friends been ask me if i do this time, I said no no no. But someday will do! :)
TongueOnFire said:
in 2002 ... i bought 2 case of tomatoes plants as Grape-Cherry Tomato size... so i put them by the window which inside of kitchen!!! .. it grew up so fast in 2 months.. so i puzzled.. how it happened like 8 feet tall , i was like eh.. whoa.. over 1,000 tomato cherries everywhere.. dropped on the floor, geez.. so i picked them up , put them in strainer... i puzzled and figured out.. hmm.. Look at my dad which he used to be my next door of apt .. so he did put GLO-MIRACLE Plant Feed in my tomatoes.. Grrrrrr... .LOL.... i wish i have own garden like yours!!! i hope one day i can find a place to live which allowed to do gardening then Great!!!!!!


Haha.. thats nice of your dad do the trick.. Yeah Glo-miracles are good stuff.. I wonder if one of kids pour that Glo-miracles in my garden? umm.. lol naww.. just that good rich soil..

next time you plant tomatoes in big plant pot and put on the floor.. it will grow tall.. and nicely.. if you have pets.. they are safe to eat though..

i was young , we lived teh house, we has garden, tomatoes, squash, corn, watermelon, green beans, orak (sp), green pepper...
MsGiglz said:
kuifje75!!! i am so jealous hehe.. I am trying to work through my garden.. but at first.. it was so weedy.. had to hire next door guy to do culvter.. cuz of bushes and some baby tree grew in there.. neighbors said that previous owner gave up gardening for 3 years.. no wonder.. but it has ALOT of chives.. by the way, your dad and my dad are the same... my dad is avivd garden and very neat.. he pulled weeds every single days.. but how the heck he kept the garden in order and neatness espically with pumpkins.. (stratching head).. will ask mom if she remembers.. (my dad passed on back in 1988)

so since the pumpkins grew and sunflower grew so good, means we have good soil.. so i can draw up to make gardening for next spring..

Yeah FlyFree & Coolie.. come out again and stop by.. you will DROP your jaws.. maybe losing your head.. lol ..

Bullymom, yes.. I learned my lesson but i have great idea since pumpkin have been grow and swarming.. i plan to plant seeds next year behind that shed.. cuz it has messy bushes there.. it will be a great cover up lol..

I will update the pics.. of the pumpkins.. how they are go well.. I think they are late cuz they are not even orange yet.. I noticed stores already selling pumpkins .. geez..

I advise best harvasting planted on June or July.. *Barely hard remmy which the best month plant seed into the soild* It will come grow faster faster and will become huge pumpkin...

I wonder is that you wanted HUGE pumpkin...??? IF yes.. compeltion for weight the pumpkin and will get $$$ or wanna homemade pumpkin pies... If you do.. I would love to ask you *fetch me some pumpkin pies pretty please*

This morning.. I took pictures.. to show.. how much they changed since only less a month.... GOSH!!..

I tried to show the measurements but its hard to see.. around 20 inches wide and height too.. there are 6 of them so far.. but there are few more in deep middle of garden lol..

Marsha standing next to it.. she is 26 inches tall..

Allen.... hes 40 inches tall... so its big pumpkin still not ripe yet.. eek :eek:

ok other pumpkin is huge than the first one.. kids wont go in there cuz of spikey leaves lol..

Thought its pretty .. and wanna share .. Sunflowers in our garden.. its like gracefully over the garden..


I have been working front yard.. garden/landscaping.. since almost a week
its PAIN the butt.. cuz the rocks (pebbles) are kind of too big.. its good for river banks.. (shrugs).. some kids helped but mostly myself.. by our own hands to remove those rocks.. (shovel them are impossible).. hehe

so.. landlord asked me to change around to keep myself busy.. he and his mom drop off some shrubs and mulches.. said up to me to fix around..
so i was planning to use edge black plastic and add grass.. to make it smaller.. and easier but i realized that it wont work cuz of sidewalk .. but the "box" from the house to sidewalk are so wide.. i have to think.. fix around.. so far..

before it looks like..

still working on it.. I just sent pics to landlord for his other suggestions instead of add edge and grass there.. hehe

:occchhh: Liebling :smash:

I didn't notice your thread here until I saw your thread at other forum...

Yes, I'm agree with others here that your garden are very creative and beautiful but one thing is I'm too scare to have sunflowers at my garden.. I have it once now no anymore since I saw alot of ugliest bees around sunflowers :eek:
That is some beautiful garden you got there Annie. I love the sunflowers and the pumpkins, The sunflowers I barley see them anywhere here, They are sure tall and beautiful. :thumb:

You sure can take good care of your yard. I'm very impressed because you have six children, and have time to do a beautifully job on your yard and garden. You must be working very hard girl. :hug:

If you live close by I would have brought some pumpkins from you so you could earn extra dollars. Are you planning on selling pumpkins? You could make good money. My dad used to do that a long time ago when we were young and he sold some tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce and pumpkins.