Left, right, or both?


New Member
Apr 4, 2014
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I have a left ear whose graph is fairly flat at 70-80db.
Then I have my right ear with the following details:
500 hz 1 Khz 2 Khz 4 Khz 8 Khz
5 dB 10 dB 10dB 75dB 50dB

Until I was 20, I've only worn the left one then at 20, I started wearing HA for my right side. But then I lost both (yeah I'm an idiot). Mom insisted she'll buy the new one for my left ear. Since we found out I actually have a problem with hearing, we've only focused on the left one because it's obviously more severe and we thought the only problem was only on the left side but that's also because my doctor said I didn't need to hear 4-8khz sounds to understand conversations but others said I needed to because some letters and sounds in speeches are around 4-8khZ so I purchased another one for my right one, I've tried the HA on my right side and everything sounds alive, Oticon Acto sounds godly, that was the one I've trialed but I ended up with ReSound which was far cheaper but the sounds quality just didn't compare to the mighty Acto. But it did help! Especially speeches on TV and the radio were far clearer. The only drawback with the HA was since it amplified the high frequency everytime I put it on, everything was noisier, AC was whoozier, the clock was tickier, I knew it was raining outside and it was just noisier, the audiologist just laughed when I said I didn't knew the world is this noisy. But the differences aren't as great as my left ear with HA, with my left ear, it's like abstract B/W pictures become colored but my right ear is just the case of nearsightedness. I'm happy to see I can read something so far away but seeing colored pictures is just a good difference without necessarily seeing clearer.

Now I don't know if I should pick one for my left side only or both. If I only use the right one, it doesn't feel complete, I needed the left side to bring the right one to its potential. But if I picked the left one, then I should still have the hearing problem right? I just read a thread regarding high frequency hearing loss and people said they started to ask people repeat themselves. But single-sided deafness causes people to not hear well in noisy settings and localize sound, I can't localize sounds at all!, I OFTEN get honked by vehicles behind me because I'm in its way and it will takes me long to realize there's a car or truck behind me wanting me to move because I don't know it's the car RIGHT BEHIND me that makes the annoying honks, it's embarrassing because sometimes people need to shout at me just to inform me, they makes me feel like I'm a slow person. Also I never respond when get called from behind, I just don't hear them calling me at all.

I consider my right hearing normal and I thought I heard things the same way as hearing people but then again, I've always asked people to repeat themselves so I don't know if the high frequency loss has something to do with it. I've always thought it was because my left side is severely deaf. So if there's people with high frequency hearing loss and especially with approx. the same graph with me. Do you think the benefit of HAs are significant enough for you? Do you guys think I should pick for only the left side or both or just the right side? Do people tell you you might have a hearing problem? Should the loss on my right side technically impair my hearing or not?
If you can benefit wearing a HA in both ears and can afford it I would go with that. But only you and your audi can decide which works best for you. I can't wear a HA in my right ear anymore and my audi said I will lose more hearing in my right ear if I don't use a HA in it. I have no idea if this is true or not until I have a hearing test.
The hearing nerve is like any thing else that isn't used. If you don't use it, you loose it! If you don't wear a hearing aid in your other ear but you are deaf enough to not pick up may sound source at all without your HA, then you will loose it as your hearing nerve is not been simulated. If you can pick up some even a little amount of sound in your unaided ear, this means your nerve will still be simulated just a tiny bit.