Left, now back again.


New Member
Feb 19, 2012
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A long time ago I used to be Dark-Half or something of the likes. Some may remember me, some may not. I decided to return because some interesting things have happened, for one Netflix now has almost all their titles subtitled or captioned -- which, I have to say is awesome!

Now a brief back story, I lost my hearing when I was 6 from meningitis. It put me in a coma for a week, ossified the hair in my cochleas. I was presented various devices as a kid as means to help me 'hear' vibrators (hey no dirty thoughts ;)) that attached to your wrist, I think now phased out as they weren't viable nor helped much, hearing aids of which helped me absolutely none yet I was required to wear them.. and finally a cochlear implant. It freaked me out, how's a kid supposed to understand that and an adult leaving the decision to me? I could have better hearing, but that ship has sailed. Then later on in my life, people are talking about music and other things... I feel left out, also got peer pressure. I resisted the idea for a good two years then decided maybe it isn't such a bad thing but had no idea what to expect.

When I hit 26 I decided to undergo it, it went pretty well. Gotta say at first I was unhappy with it as it didn't deliver the expected performance. Too much auditory memory decay, and would've had a lot better chance if I got it right off the bat back when I was younger. I'm 29 now, I wear it out in public or when people are over at my house, or when I want to listen to music... but at home when I'm just watching TV or such, I don't. It can be irritating at times to hear neighbors going at it, children fighting, dogs yapping. I feel fortunate to at least be able to turn off sound when I'd like to.

After that, I decided to get my GED, go to college etc. Pretty happy with my life and things are going good for me, but I've been so out of touch with the deaf community for a quite long time. I know ASL, SEE and out-preform most of the hearing folks in terms of test scores in college... but I think, no matter what -- being a man women are still confusing as ever and... I have yet to date or have a relationship with someone deaf like me. I don't know if the results would be different, but I have to say it's rather rough dating someone hearing and them treating you just as if you were a hearing person but at the same time realizing you can't do things like call them. I never thought much of it whether or not it affected my relationships, but my track record speaks for itself, horrible luck. So... going to try to switch up the game a bit and hope that there might be some people like me in Missoula, Montana.

If not, that's fine. I don't plan on living here for more than another year or two, and if I can't meet someone awesome suppose I can learn what's going on in "our world" Hm...I honestly don't think I ever really came to terms with the fact I'm deaf, I never really viewed it as a disability or anything. I don't define myself as deaf. Other than that... howdy! :hmm:
How far away are you from Great Falls? There is a small Deaf community there b/c of the deaf school.
A long time ago I used to be Dark-Half or something of the likes. Some may remember me, some may not. I decided to return because some interesting things have happened, for one Netflix now has almost all their titles subtitled or captioned -- which, I have to say is awesome!

Now a brief back story, I lost my hearing when I was 6 from meningitis. It put me in a coma for a week, ossified the hair in my cochleas. I was presented various devices as a kid as means to help me 'hear' vibrators (hey no dirty thoughts ;)) that attached to your wrist, I think now phased out as they weren't viable nor helped much, hearing aids of which helped me absolutely none yet I was required to wear them.. and finally a cochlear implant. It freaked me out, how's a kid supposed to understand that and an adult leaving the decision to me? I could have better hearing, but that ship has sailed. Then later on in my life, people are talking about music and other things... I feel left out, also got peer pressure. I resisted the idea for a good two years then decided maybe it isn't such a bad thing but had no idea what to expect.

When I hit 26 I decided to undergo it, it went pretty well. Gotta say at first I was unhappy with it as it didn't deliver the expected performance. Too much auditory memory decay, and would've had a lot better chance if I got it right off the bat back when I was younger. I'm 29 now, I wear it out in public or when people are over at my house, or when I want to listen to music... but at home when I'm just watching TV or such, I don't. It can be irritating at times to hear neighbors going at it, children fighting, dogs yapping. I feel fortunate to at least be able to turn off sound when I'd like to.

After that, I decided to get my GED, go to college etc. Pretty happy with my life and things are going good for me, but I've been so out of touch with the deaf community for a quite long time. I know ASL, SEE and out-preform most of the hearing folks in terms of test scores in college... but I think, no matter what -- being a man women are still confusing as ever and... I have yet to date or have a relationship with someone deaf like me. I don't know if the results would be different, but I have to say it's rather rough dating someone hearing and them treating you just as if you were a hearing person but at the same time realizing you can't do things like call them. I never thought much of it whether or not it affected my relationships, but my track record speaks for itself, horrible luck. So... going to try to switch up the game a bit and hope that there might be some people like me in Missoula, Montana.

If not, that's fine. I don't plan on living here for more than another year or two, and if I can't meet someone awesome suppose I can learn what's going on in "our world" Hm...I honestly don't think I ever really came to terms with the fact I'm deaf, I never really viewed it as a disability or anything. I don't define myself as deaf. Other than that... howdy! :hmm:

Yeah, I remember you. Netflix is an awesome? Nah, not really. Blu-ray dvd player has Netflix program with built-in WiFi connecting to the TV but it does not show CC/subtitles except foreign films. Totally sucks and rip-off!!!