

New Member
Sep 27, 2014
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I am Kasper de Beer and I am a teacher at a school in the Netherlands (Europe) for children who are deaf, hard of hearing, speech and language difficulties and autism. I teach children with speech language problems.

I'm looking for a few instructional videos. Eg. an instruction about learning to add or subtract, physics, history, geography etc.
I am looking for:
1. the instructional movie
2 the same movie with gestures
3 the same movie with gestures and subtitles

The films certainly do not need to be professionally. When the videos are made with a screen camera, webcam or a regular video camera is that good. The point is that our children understand the content of the video. The videos are used for deaf, hearing impaired and children with speech and language problems. I first want to try it with the kids and see if they like it. Then I will give the lessons I record and put into a computer program,which I had made by a professional programmer in Bangladesh itself (database). The children can then follow instructions with their IPad. I'm too little skilled with gestures and subtitling. Perhaps someone can help me.
Perhaps I can also share with you my computerprogramm

Kasper de Beer k.debeer@kentalis.nl